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American Torture Chambers a.k.a. "Black Sites"

The C.I.A. set up secret prison facilities as part of a covert prison system in eight countries. The hidden global internment network was set up four years ago and is the central element in the unconventional war on terror. The facilities are located around the world and are referred to as "black sites" in classified White House, CIA, Justice Department and congressional documents.

President Carter Says Bush Lied about Iraq

Jimmy Carter says Bush and his cronies manufactured the evidence used to justify the war with Iraq. On NBC's "Today" show Carter alos said, " he supports the move by Senate Democrats to force an update on the investigation into prewar intelligence on Iraq."

Top Al-Qaeda Leader Escapes

Associated Press - KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) _ A U-S official says security has been tightened at a military prison in Afghanistan following the escape of a suspected al-Qaida leader. Omar al-Farouq was considered one of Osama bin Laden's top lieutenants in Southeast Asia. Indonesian authorities captured him in 2002 and turned him over to the United States. He was one of four suspected Arab terrorists to escape in July from the detention facility at the main U-S base in Afghanistan. The U-S just confirmed his identity yesterday. An Indonesian anti-terror official has criticized the U-S for not telling him about the escape. He calls al-Farouq ``a dangerous terrorist'' whose escape increases the threat of terrorism in Indonesia.

U.S. Helicopter Crash in Iraq

A U.S. Marine attack helicopter crashed Wednesday near Ramadi, killing two U.S. crewmembers. Insurgents also fought with American ground forces in the city and destroyed at least one of their Humvees, police said. Police Capt. Nassir al-Alousi said insurgents used guns, rockets and roadside bombs to attack U.S. patrols late Tuesday.

Closed-Door Senate Session Yesterday

Democrats used a rarely invoked Senate rule to force a secret senate session to get answers about the war in Iraq. Democratic leader, Harry Reid said, "Republican Senators have repeatedly chosen to protect their own rather than get to the bottom of what happened and why." Democrats used Rule 21, which dates back to 1795, to get some answers from the Right-wingers. A six-member, bi-partisan, task force was appointed to review the Intelligence Committee's work and report to their respective leaders by November 14th.

Global Warming is Real

Authors of a study being published today in The Journal of Climate say, "the longer we wait to do something about global warming, the worse the consequences." Scientists programmed a computer simulation to run as if the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide rose about 0.45 percent a year through 2300. That is slightly less than the current rate, about 0.5 percent. The effects were staggering.

A New Judge for Tom Delay

From the Associated Press -

The judge in Rep. Tom DeLay's conspiracy case was removed at the congressman's request Tuesday because of his donations to Democratic candidates and causes.

A new judge will be appointed to preside over the case, a judge who came out of retirement to hear the dispute ruled. The ruling came after a hearing in which attorneys for the former House Republican leader argued that state District Judge Bob Perkins' political donations called his impartiality into question. Perkins, a Democrat, has contributed to candidates such as John Kerry and the liberal advocacy group MoveOn.org.

"The public perception of Judge Perkins' activities shows him to be on opposite sides of the political fence than Tom DeLay," defense attorney Dick DeGuerin told Judge C.W. Duncan, who was called out of retirement to decide the matter.

Perkins had declined to withdraw from the case, and prosecutor Rick Reed argued at the hearing that DeLay must prove that a member of the public would have a "reasonable doubt that the judge is impartial" before Perkins could be removed.

"Judges are presumed to be impartial," Reed said. Judges are elected in Texas and are free to contribute to candidates and political parties.

Rare Closed Session for Senate

In light of the indictment of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, Democrats forced the Republican-controlled Senate into an unusual closed session today. They are demanding answers about the intelligence that led to the war in Iraq.