Scandal Record

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Current Government Scandals


links only from 2004 or earlier

Corporate Corruption

Harken Oil


WorldCom Meltdown

  • World Con
    Ed Vulliamy, Observer (UK), 29 June 2002

Taiwangate Slush Fund

Funeralgate, The Sequel: Focus on Florida


Political Cronies

Partisan Campaign Activity in Florida Secretary of State's Office

The Profit Motive

"Pharisees and Hypocrites"

Ethics Violations by Members of Bush Regime

Submarine Disaster

Bush's Broken Promises

links only from 2004 or earlier

"I will restore honor and integrity to the White House"

(Note: Sometimes it's 'honor and integrity' and sometimes it's 'honor and dignity.' He's such a hypocrite he can't even be consistent in his hypocrisy.)

No decision on Yucca Mountain until research results are available

Free trade

"I'm a compassionate conservative"

"Leave no child behind"

"I'm a uniter, not a divider"

"President of all the people, not just those who voted for me"

"A reformer with results"

"It's the people's money, not the government's"

Election Reform

Reforming the Military

Reversing Course

Often, We the People don't want Bush to keep his promise.



links only from 2004 or earlier

Corporate Corruption

Harken Oil


WorldCom Meltdown

  • World Con
    Ed Vulliamy, Observer (UK), 29 June 2002

Taiwangate Slush Fund

Funeralgate, The Sequel: Focus on Florida


Political Cronies

Partisan Campaign Activity in Florida Secretary of State's Office

The Profit Motive

"Pharisees and Hypocrites"

Ethics Violations by Members of Bush Regime

Bush Lies

links only from 2004 or earlier.

General News Reports


Lies That Led to War

Lies About Administration Policies

  • Worldwide terrorism-related deaths on the rise
    Robert Rivas and Robert Windrem, MSNBC, 2 September 2004

    Lies from the BushCheney04 Campaign
