Current Government Scandals
Scandals links only from 2004 or earlier
Corporate Corruption
- Air Force let Boeing rewrite contract
Joseph L. Galloway, Miami Herald, 28 March 2004
- The Anti-Regulation Regulator
Stephen Labaton, New York Times, 27 August 2002
- Clinton Says Republicans Blocked His Audit Reforms
David M. Halbfinger, New York Times, 25 July 2002
- Bush does flip-flop, hails biz fraud bill he ripped
Timothy J. Burger and Thomas M. DeFrank, New York Daily News, 25 July 2002
- 10 Days that Shook the Bush Presidency
Thomas Spencer, History News Network, 23 July 2002
- Shorting George
Landon Thomas Jr., New York Magazine, 23 July 2002
- Don't blame Bubba
Gloria Borger, U.S. News & World Report (in The Smirking Chimp), 29 July 2002 issue
- Bush digs himself into a hole and keeps digging
Taipei Times, 16 July 2002
- The Rap on Bush and Cheney
Bill Saporito, Time, 14 July 2002
- Bush speech fails to deliver
David Schepp, BBC, 15 July 2002
- GOP tries to pin Enron/WorldCom on Clinton
Nathan Newman, Progressive Populist (in The Smirking Chimp), 14 July 2002
- White House backs Thompson in spite of his ties to company that committed fraud
CNN, 13 July 2002
- That's pretty rich, Bush
Oliver Morgan, Observer (UK) (in The Smirking Chimp), 14 July 2002
- Head of new fraud task force linked to firm accused of fraud
Chuck Squatrigia, San Francisco Chronicle (in The Smirking Chimp), 13 July 2002
- U.S. Corporate Watchdog Served At Troubled Firm
Anitha Reddy, Washington Post, 13 July 2002
- The Five Dumbest Things on Wall Street This Week
George Mannes, TheStreet, 12 July 2002
- Bush in more trouble as markets crash
Matthew Engel, The Guardian, 12 July 2002
- The Busted Effort to Blame Enron on Bill Clinton and the Democrats
Bill O'Reilly Sucks, July 2002
- Bush Failed to Stress Need to Rein In Stock Options
Gretchen Morgenson, New York Times, 11 July 2002
- Bush's crackdown fails to convince
Sydney Morning Herald (in The Smirking Chimp), 11 July 2002
- Bush Calls for End to Loans of a Type He Once Received
Jeff Gerth and Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times, 11 July 2002
- Speechifying in His Sleep
Richard Cohen, Washington Post, 11 July 2002
- Bush's Appeal to Morality Falls Short
Matthew Goldstein, TheStreet, 10 July 2002
- Big Names but No Authority to Prosecute
David Johnston, New York Times, 10 July 2002
- Bush, on Wall Street, Offers Tough Talk and Softer Plans
Floyd Norris, New York Times, 10 July 2002
- Corporate rogues count on the G.O.P.
Joe Conason, New York Observer (in The Smirking Chimp), 10 July 2002
- A Roaring Bull Market in Political Trading
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 10 July 2002
- Bush meets with corporate contributors
Associated Press, 4 January 2001
Harken Oil
- A Detailed Summary of 'HarkenGate'
Professor Skip Fox, Democratic Underground, 26 July 2002
- Bush’s Insider Connections Preceded Huge Profit On Stock Deal
Knut Royce, Center for Public Integrity, 7 March 2004
- Bush quashed evidence in Harken enquiry
David Teather, The Guardian, 2 November 2002
- Bush Sold Stock After Lawyers' Warning
Peter Behr, Washington Post, 1 November 2002
- Bush's Fancy Financial Footwork
David Ignatius, Washington Post, 6 August 2002
- How George W. Bush made his millions
Joseph Kay, World Socialist Web Site, 1 August 2002
- Harken Energy set up Caymans subsidiary in '89
Timothy J. Burger, New York Daily News (in The Smirking Chimp), 1 August 2002
- Is Harken Energy Bush's Watergate?
The Scoop, 22 July 2002
- Predicting presidential scandals: Bush's new vulnerability
John W. Dean, FindLaw (in The Smirking Chimp), 22 July 2002
- Files: Bush Knew Firm's Plight Before Stock Sale
Mike Allen, Washington Post (in Truthout), 21 July 2002
- Soros adds to doubts on Bush business deals
Michael Kranish, Sydney Morning Herald, 20 July 2002
- Report says that Harken sought influence in buying Bush firm
Michael Kranish, Boston Globe (in The Smirking Chimp), 19 July 2002
- White House Watch: Credibility problem
Nicholas M. Horrock, UPI, 17 July 2002
- Senators: Release records on Bush stock sale
Kelly Wallace, CNN, 16 July 2002
- Audit this
Martin Peretz, The New Republic (in The Smirking Chimp), 16 July 2002
- Steps to Wealth
Paul Krugman, New York Times (in The Smirking Chimp), 16 July 2002
- Bush rides the Whitewater
Eric Boehlert, Salon, 13 July 2002
- Bush squirms in sleaze scandal
Ed Vulliamy, Observer (UK) (in The Smirking Chimp), 14 July 2002
- Why US press didn't give Bush a burning
Harold Evans, Observer (UK), 14 July 2002
- Harken Papers Offer Details on Bush Knowledge
Mike Allen and George Lardner Jr., Washington Post, 14 July 2002
- Takin' care of bidness
Randall E. Stross, U.S. News & World Report (in The Smirking Chimp), 22 July 2002 issue
- Memos: Bush knew of Harken's problems
Anthony York, Salon, 12 July 2002
- The Insider Game
Paul Krugman, New York Times (in Truthout), 12 July 2002
- 'Read My Lips: Oil Was Well with Harken'
Tom Flocco, American Free Press (in Scoop.com), 12 July 2002
- Bush's business career a study in using connections
Michael Kranish and John Aloysius Farrell, Boston Globe (in The Smirking Chimp), 12 July 2002
- As a Harken board member, Bush OKd a deal like Enron's
Warren Vieth, Los Angeles Times, 12 July 2002
- Bush was told, before his stock sales, of company troubles
Ken Fireman, Long Island Newsday (in The Smirking Chimp), 12 July 2002
- Secrecy Surrounds Bush Stock Deal
Associated Press (in Truthout), 12 July 2002
- Did Bush Profit on His Harken Loans?
Daniel Gross, Slate, 11 July 2002
- George Bush, Failed Corporate Crook
James Ridgeway, Village Voice, 10 July 2002
- Bush Took Oil Firm's Loans as Director
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 10 July 2002
- Old Business in New Light
Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times, 9 July 2002
- "There was no malfeance (sic.), no attempt to hide anything."
Alastair Thompson, Scoop, 9 July 2002
- Beware the MBA president: Democrats target Bush's business ethics
Susan Milligan, Boston Globe (in The Smirking Chimp), 9 July 2002
- Minding their own business at the White House
David Teather, The Guardian (in The Smirking Chimp), 9 July 2002
- Succeeding in Business
Paul Krugman, New York Times, 7 July 2002
- The know-nothing defense has been getting a workout
David Lazarus, San Francisco Chronicle, 5 July 2002
- The rule he broke
Ken Fireman, Long Island Newsday (in The Smirking Chimp), 4 July 2002
- Story changes on Bush stock sale
Zachary Coile, San Francisco Chronicle (in The Smirking Chimp), 4 July 2002
- White House on defensive over Bush handling of stock sale
CNN, 3 July 2002
- Bush Faces Scrutiny Over Disclosing '90 Stock Sale Late
Elisabeth Bumiller, New York Times, 4 July 2002
- Under Scrutiny, White House Shifts Blame for '91 Late Filing
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 4 July 2002
- Bush blames lawyers for undeclared share sale
Matthew Engel, The Guardian, 4 July 2002
- Bush on back foot over corporate past
The Guardian, 4 July 2002
- Bush Name Helps Fuel Oil Dealings
George Lardner Jr. and Lois Romano, Washington Post, 30 July 1999
- Bush and Lay: A Common Pattern of Stock Dumps?
David Corn, The Nation, February 2002
- Memo Cited Bush's Late SEC Filings
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 3 July 2002
- Everyone Is Outraged
Paul Krugman, New York Times, 2 July 2002
- A Detailed Summary of 'HalliburtonGate'
Professor Skip Fox, Democratic Underground, 26 July 2002
- Halliburton Accused of Accounting Fraud
Jonathan Stempel, Reuters (in Truthout),6 August 2004
- Halliburton Subpoenaed Over Unit's Iran Work
Matt Daily, Reuters, 19 July 2004
- Pentagon E-Mail Prompts Calls to Probe Halliburton, Cheney
Susan Cornwell, Reuters (in Truthout), 1 June 2004
- Did Cheney Okay a Deal for Halliburton?
Timothy J. Burger and Adam Zagorin, Time (in Truthout), 30 May 2004
- Halliburton lobby costs see big drop
Maud S. Beelman, Boston Globe, 27 March 2004
- Top U.S. General in Iraq Criticizes Halliburton Conduct
CNN, 15 March 2004
- Pentagon Opens Criminal Inquiry of Halliburton Pricing
Richard A. Oppel Jr., New York Times, 24 February 2004
- Halliburton's Iraq gravy train
Farhad Manjoo, Salon, 27 February 2004
- What did the Vice-President do for Halliburton?
Jane Mayer, The New Yorker, 9 February 2004
- Another Halliburton Probe
Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenrball, Newsweek, 4 February 2004
- Pentagon Seeks Further Halliburton Probe
Associated Press (in Truthout), 15 January 2004
- A Nigerian Contract at the Heart of a Corruption Affair
Eric Decouty, Le Figaro (in Truthout), 20 December 2003
- Halliburton Subsidiary Is Accused of Racial Bias
Jonathan D. Glater, New York Times, 29 November 2003
- Oil Firm Linked to Cheney Gets Iraq Boost
David Teather, The Guardian (in Truthout), 30 October 2003
- Halliburton Unit In Consortium Fingered For Alleged Corruption
Houston Business Journal (in Truthout), 10 October 2003
- Oil Services Firm Paid Cheney as VP
Reuters (in Truthout), 17 September 2003
- Halliburton flap roils as Corps tacks on task
David Ivanovich, Houston Chronicle, 7 May 2003
- Halliburton got more than oil fire contract
Larry Margasak, Associated Press (in the Detroit News), 7 May 2003
- Halliburton Subsidiary Wins Iraqi Oil Firefighting Contract
Associated Press (in Truthout), 26 March 2003
- Texas Firms Line Up U.S. Aid in Peru
James V. Grimaldi, Washington Post, 20 November 2002
- Conflict of interest for Cheney
David Lazarus, San Francisco Chronicle, 4 November 2002
- Halliburton and other Western firms eye reconstruction in old Iraqi oil fields
Taipei Times, 31 October 2002
- Pot calls kettle 'evildoer'
Molly Ivins, NewsForChange, 3 September 2002
- Cheney firm won .8bn contracts from government
Ed Vulliamy and Nick Paton Walsh, Observer (UK), 21 July 2002
- For Cheney, Tarnish From Halliburton
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 16 July 2002
- Cheney's grimy trail in business
Robert Scheer, Los Angeles Times, 16 July 2002
- In Tough Times, a Company Finds Profits in Terror War
Jeff Gerth and Don Van Natta Jr., New York Times (in The Smirking Chimp), 13 July 2002
- The Cheney Question
Business Week, 12 July 2002
- Bush and Cheney face scrutiny in financial scandals
Rupert Cornwell, Independent UK, 4 July 2002
- SEC Chief Vows Ongoing Audit Probe of Halliburton
Kathleen Day, Washington Post, 1 July 2002
- Halliburton on the hot seat: Cheney's ex-firm to receive full SEC probe
Zachary Coile, San Francisco Chronicle (in The Smirking Chimp), 1 July 2002
- US corporate clean-up implicates Cheney
BBC, 29 May 2002
- Under Cheney, Halliburton Altered Policy on Accounting
Alex Berenson and Lowell Bergman, New York Times (requires registration to view), 22 May 2002
- Halliburton: Targeting Another Texas Connection
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 29 January 2002
- Cheney's old firm on shaky ground
David Lazarus, San Francisco Chronicle, 20 January 2002
- Halliburton stock hits 15-year low amid asbestos liability worries
John McFarland, Associated Press (in San Francisco Chronicle), 4 January 2002
- Under Cheney, Halliburton did million in business with Iraq
Colum Lynch, Washington Post, 23 June 2001
- Cheney's Halliburton did business with Iraq after sanctions were imposed
Martin A. Lee, San Francisco Bay Guardian, 13 November 2000
- Firm's Iraq Deals Greater Than Cheney Has Said
Colum Lynch, Washington Post, 23 June 2001 February 2002
- New White House Counsel Accused of Favoritism for Cheney's Halliburton
Nathan Newman, CommonDreams, 18 December 2000
- Cheney Made Millions Off Oil Deals with Hussein
Martin A. Lee, San Francisco Bay Guardian (in Truthout), 13 November 2000
WorldCom Meltdown
- World Con
Ed Vulliamy, Observer (UK), 29 June 2002
Taiwangate Slush Fund
Funeralgate, The Sequel: Focus on Florida
- Funeral firm that dug up bodies pays families
Duncan Campbell, The Guardian, 4 December 2003
- G.A.O. Sets Inquiry of Crematory Fraud and Grave Desecration
New York Times, 21 March 2002
- Funeral Company Manager, Upset by Suit, Is Found Dead
Dana Canedy, New York Times, 29 December 2001
- Funeralgate: The Skeleton in Bush's closet is back from the dead
Reality.com, 24 December 2001
- Bush family backer linked to ghoulish (and illegal) corpse-dumping, grave reselling schemes
Tamara Baker, American Politics Journal, 21 December 2001
- Funeral Company Accused of Desecration
Tamar Lewin, New York Times, 21 December 2001
- Cemetery Claims Class Action
Law firms of "Colson Hicks Eidson" and "Greenspoon, Marder, Hirschfeld, Rafkin, Ross & Berger"; 19 December 2001
- SCI: The Dying Giant
Robert Bryce, Salon, 29 September 1999
- Democrats.com list of information about Funeralgate
- The funeral scandal time line
Compiled by Robert Bryce, Salon, 20 August 1999
- Funeralgate: Bush Charged With Lying Under Oath About Influence-Peddling
R. Prichard, Democrats.com
- The Lawsuit That Wouldn't Die
Robert Bryce, Austin Chronicle, 26 January 2001
- Fear and Loathing in Austin
Robert Bryce, The Austin Chronicle, 10 November 2000
- It's His Funeral
Robert Bryce, The Austin Chronicle, 27 October 2000
- Bush Faces Lawsuit in Texas
John Mintz, Washington Post, 23 August 1999
- Who is Eliza May?
Robert Bryce, Salon, 20 August 1999
- Funeralgate Hits Texas
Robert Bryce, Austin Chronicle, 9-15 July 1999
Political Cronies
- See also:Cabinet and Other Appointees
- EPA Rule on Hazardous Waste Favored Ohio Businessman Who Is a Big GOP Donor
James V. Grimaldi and Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post, 17 May 2004
- How a Shady Iranian Deal Maker Kept the Pentagon's Ear
James Risen, New York Times (in Truthout), 7 December 2003
- Ashcroft friend, adviser signed up OKC victims with promise of winning federal aid
John Solomon, Associated Press (in the Kansas City Star), 1 August 2002
- Interior Official's Memo Raises Conflict Issue
Michael Grunwald, Washington Post, 25 May 2002
- The Man to See On Indian Affairs?
Michael Weisskopf, Time, 15 April 2002
- Energy Industry's Recommendations to Bush Became National Policy
Don Van Natta Jr. and Neela Banerjee, New York Times, 28 March 2002
- Presidential Order Followed Draft by Lobbyists
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 27 March 2002
- In Appointments, Administration Leaves No Family Behind
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 12 March 2002
- Cheney Daughter Gets Job at State
Washington Post, 2 March 2002
- State Dept. job created for Cheney's daughter
Eli J. Lake, UPI, 28 February 2002
- John Poindexter Takes Over New Agency to Thwart Attacks on U.S.
John Markoff, New York Times, 13 February 2002
- The GOP's New Lobbyist in Chief
Charles Lewis, Washington Post, 20 December 2001
- Rascally Marc Racicot
Jacob Weisberg, Slate, 9 January 2002
- Racicot Chosen to Head GOP National Committee
Thomas B. Edsall and Mike Allen, Washington Post, 5 December 2001
- Bush's, Enron's fates were intertwined
Don Van Natta Jr., New York Times, 2 December 2001
- Cheney's son-in-law assigned to Microsoft case
James V. Grimaldi, Washington Post, 27 August 2001
- Barrick Gold forces investigative journalist Greg Palast offline
William Spain, CBS Marketwatch, 1 August 2001
- White House sought advice on opening a nuclear waste dump from law firm that was also lobbying for nuclear industry
Matthew L. Wald, New York Times, 28 July 2001
- Former Volunteers Criticize Bush's Peace Corps Choice
Glenda Cooper, Washington Post, 27 July 2001
- A gold company with ties to the Bush family tries to muzzle a muckraking journalist
Joe Conason, Salon, 20 July 2001
- Bush met with Salvation Army officers about Faith-Based Initiative
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 15 July 2001
- Utilities hire chief GOP fundraiser to plead their cause with the government
Katharine Q. Seelye, New York Times, 6 June 2001
- Memo suggests Texas firm manipulated gas market
Bernadette Tansey, San Francisco Chronicle, 16 May 2001
- Bush campaign adviser removed from Medicare panel because of conflict of interest
Robert Pear, New York Times, 14 May 2001
- EU Official: U.S. Won't Halt OECD Tax Effort
Reuters (in the Washington Post), 12 May 2001
- Bush opposes plan to crack down on offshore tax havens
Jane Martinson and Charlotte Denny, The Guardian, 10 May 2001
- Welcome to the Military-Industrial Complex: Bush Picks Weapons-Company Executives for Pentagon Jobs
James Dao, New York Times, 25 April 2001
- Brokerage Firms Target Rule That Prevents Insider Trading
Carol Vinzant, Washington Post, 25 April 2001
- PG&E Took Hard Line, Dooming State Talks  Secret plan shows utility demanded even less regulation
David Lazarus, San Francisco Chronicle, 15 April 2001
- The disturbing ties of some of George W. Bush’s Latino advisors
Julie Reynolds, El Andar
- This Second Lady Is Keeping Her Day Job
Melinda Henneberger, New York Times, 6 February 2001
- Enron, the nation's largest energy merchant, won't let California stand in its way
Wendy Zellner, with Christopher Palmeri, Peter Coy, and Laura Cohn; Business Week, 12 February 2001
- Dear Richard, don't say we didn't tell you
Gregory Palast, The Guardian, 21 January 2001
- How George W. Bush got into the National Guard
Observer (UK), 28 November 1999
Partisan Campaign Activity in Florida Secretary of State's Office
- Bush's conspiracy to riot
Robert Parry, Consortium News (in The Smirking Chimp), 5 August 2002
- Florida judge slaps Katherine Harris over redistricting lawsuit
Matthew Haggman, Miami Daily Business Review, 20 June 2002
- The election shows the way Republicans play the game
Mary Jo Melone, St. Petersburg Times, 19 August 2001
- The imaginary firewall
editorial, St. Petersburg Times, 9 August 2001
- Democrats say Harris should resign
Alisa Ulferts, St. Petersburg Times, 9 August 2001
- Data Permanently Erased From Computers in Katherine Harris' Office
David Barstow, New York Times, 8 August 2001
- Harris computers contain partisan files
Thomas C. Tobin, Alisa Ulferts and Alicia Caldwell, St. Petersburg Times, 8 August 2001
- Data Permanently Erased From Florida Computers
David Barstow, New York Times, 8 August 2001
- Katherine Harris' hand-picked expert claims no files are missing from office hard drives
Alisa Ulferts, St. Petersburg Times, 2 August 2001
- Florida Gives Computers in November Election to News Groups
Dana Canedy, New York Times, 2 August 2001
- Harris employs systems expert; newspapers insist on their own inspection
Steve Bousquet, St. Petersburg Times, 28 July 2001
- Katherine Harris claims she will release hard drives used during recount
Dana Canedy, New York Times, 26 July 2001
- More Evidence Bush Stole the Election
Bill Press, CNN, 23 July 2001
- Florida Attorney General says all office records are public unless explicitly declared private by the legislature
Steve Bousquet, St. Petersburg Times, 21 July 2001
- New York Times documents military role in theft of 2000 election
Barry Grey, World Socialist Web Site, 19 July 2001
- Katherine Harris denies the New York Times evidence of her partisan bias
Dana Canedy, New York Times, 18 July 2001
- Harris' partisan fixers
editorial, St. Petersburg Times, 17 July 2001
- Katherine Harris' partisan activities during recount revisited
Tim Nickens and Steve Bousquet, St. Petersburg Times, 16 July 2001
- Media focused on Katherine Harris' makeup, not her indictable crimes
Laura Flanders, WorkingForChange, 16 July 2001
- Harris Hires Lawyers Linked to Jeb Bush
Jo Becker and Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 16 November 2000
- A taste for quiet and a talent for discord
Michael Ellison, Guardian UK, 14 November 2000
- The woman under fire
Jake Tapper, Salon, 13 November 2000
The Profit Motive
- Also see War Profiteers (separate page)
- Also see GOP Fund Raising (separate page)
- James Baker's Double Life
Naomi KleinThe Nation, 1 November October 2004
- Bush enjoys travel advantage on taxpayer-financed Air Force One
Associated Press (in USA Today), 1 June 2004
- Pigs at the trough: Bush's super fundraisers line up for favors
Paul Harris, The Observer (in The Smirking Chimp), 23 May 2004
- Chief of Head Start Is Accused of Mismanaging a Center
Diana Jean Schemo, New York Times, 16 April 2004
- Bush donors would benefit from Medicare, energy bills
Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post (in the Detroit News), 22 November 2003
- Utility at Center of Blackout was Major Bush Donor
Mike Allen, Washington Post (in Truthout), 19 August 2003
- 'Pioneers' Paved Bush's Way With Big Dollars
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 6 May 2003
- Cheney is Still Paid by Pentagon Contractor
Robert Bryce and Julian Borger, The Guardian (in Truthout), 12 March 2003
- Congressman Pressures Firm to Hire Republican Lobbyist
Kathleen Day and Jim VandeHei, Washington Post, 15 February 2003
- Cashing in: Fortunes of war await Bush's circle after attacks on Iraq
Andrew Gumbel, Independent UK (in The Smirking Chimp), 15 September 2002
- Vanity Fair Pays Bush Adviser For Access to White House
Jackie Calmes, Wall Street Journal, 15 July 2002
- Chevron Helped Dictate U.S. Energy Policy
press release, Natural Resources Defense Council, 22 May 2002
- Stopovers Let Bush Charge Taxpayers for Political Trips
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 20 May 2002
- Secret Taiwan Fund Sought Friends, Influence Abroad
John Pomfret, Washington Post, 5 April 2002
- GOP Groups Accused of Ensuring Income for Mo. Senate Candidate
Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post, 3 April 2002
- Taiwangate? Bush appointees linked to secret slush funds
David Corn, The Nation (in The Smirking Chimp), 3 April 2002
- President Rewards 43 Members of Fund-Raising 'Pioneers Club' With Prominent Posts
Don Van Natta Jr., New York Times, 6 March 2002
- Pioneers Pointing the Way for Bush
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 3 March 2002
- White House Is Backing Foes of Finance Bill
Richard L. Berke and Alison Mitchell, New York Times, 12 February 2002
- Abraham got thousands from nuke biz
William Spain, CBS MarketWatch, 11 January 2002
- Inside Lockheed's Billion Pentagon Connection
Geoffrey Gray, Village Voice, 7 November 2001
- O'Neill makes huge profit by delaying divestiture
Jake Tapper, Salon, 7 June 2001
- Bush donors fill top envoy posts
Laurence McQuillan, USA Today, 4 May 2001
- Elder Bush in Big G.O.P. Cast Toiling for Top Equity Firm
Leslie Wayne, New York Times, 5 February 2001
"Pharisees and Hypocrites"
- GOP aide probed in VA eavesdropping case
Hank Shaw, Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star, 18 April 2002
- Police Investigate A Top GOP Official In Eavesdropping
R.H. Melton, Washington Post, 29 March 2002
- Why has Lori Klausutis' Death Been Swept Under the Rug?
Jennifer Van Bergen, Truthout, 4 January 2002
- Dan Burton's Solo Visit to Germany Coincides With Wife's Treatment There
Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post, 11 August 2001
- Linda Tripp demands government job
Marianne Means, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 26 June 2001
- James Hormel Responds to His GOP Attackers
Peter Kupfer, Washington Post, 20 June 2001
- Robertson Remarks on China Abortions Rile Conservatives
Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post, 18 April 2001
- John "Shut It Down" Sweeney given a pass on probable drunk driving
Michael Tomasky, New York Magazine, 13 March 2001
- Huckabee Acknowledges Ties to Right-Wing Site (FreeRepublic.com
Doug J. Swason, Washington Post, 4 February 2001
- DeLay PACs Hired His Daughter as Consultant
Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post, 31 January 2001
Ethics Violations by Members of Bush Regime
- Two EPA Officials Take Jobs with Firms Benefiting from Air Rule Change
Knight Ridder (in Truthout), 4 September 2003
- How Ethical is the Bush Administration Anyway?
Viveca Novak, Time, 21 June 2001
- Bush's men face sleaze investigations
Mary Dejevsky, Independent UK, 20 June 2001
- FBI Candidate's Continued Role in Fraud Case Faulted
Dan Eggen, Washington Post, 16 June 2001
- Republicans blatantly sell access to Cabinet officials, party leaders
editorial, Washington Post, 6 May 2001
Spencer Abraham
Joseph Allbaugh
John Ashcroft
Robert G. Card
Charles James
Gale Norton
- Norton Never Submitted Fish and Wildlife Critique of Controversial Proposal to Relax Wetlands Rules
Michael Grunwald, Washington Post, 14 January 2002
- Officials Go on Trial for Contempt
Neely Tucker, Washington Post, 10 December 2001
- Norton Will Face Contempt Charges
Bill Miller, Washington Post, 29 November 2001
- Judge Warns He May Hold Norton, Others in Contempt
Bill Miller, Washington Post, 31 October 2001
- Norton Lies About Her Own Agency's Data In Order to Tout ANWR Drilling
Michael Grunwald, Washington Post, 19 October 2001
Theodore Olson
Paul O'Neill
Harvey Pitt
Colin Powell
Condoleeza Rice
Karl Rove
- Associates of Karl Rove Say He Helped Win Contract
Richard L. Berke, New York Times, 25 January 2002
- White House Rejects Request for Rove Ethics Review
George Lardner Jr., Washington Post, 11 August 2001
- Rove's First Step Toward Shedding Stock Took 5 Months
George Lardner Jr., Washington Post, 26 July 2001
- Karl Rove met with drug company lobbyists while owning drug-company stock
George Lardner Jr., Washington Post, 21 July 2001
- Waxman Seeks Justice Inquiry of Rove
George Lardner Jr., Washington Post, 18 July 2001
- Henry Waxman requests Justice Department review of Karl Rove's conflicts of interest
New York Times, 18 July 2001
- Bush defends adviser who met with Intel execs
Laurence McQuillan, USA Today, 19 June 2001
- Ethics of Key Bush Officials Targeted
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 16 June 2001
- Congressman Seeks Hearing on Bush Aide
David E. Sanger, New York Times, 16 June 2001
- Bush Aide Who Held Intel Stock Met Executives Seeking Merger
John Mintz, Washington Post, 14 June 2001
- Karl Rove kept utility stocks until after Bush energy plan was completed
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 6 June 2001
Donald Rumsfeld
Tommy Thompson
Ann Veneman
Christine Todd Whitman
Submarine Disaster
Bush's Broken Promises
links only from 2004 or earlier
"I will restore honor and integrity to the White House"
(Note: Sometimes it's 'honor and integrity' and sometimes it's 'honor and dignity.' He's such a hypocrite he can't even be consistent in his hypocrisy.)
- Also see The Enron Bubble (separate page)
- Stopovers Let Bush Charge Taxpayers for Political Trips
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 20 May 2002
- White House on Autocrats: Malaysian SÃÂ, Cuban No
David E. Sanger, New York Times, 15 May 2002
- In Appointments, Administration Leaves No Family Behind
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 12 March 2002
- Tailoring Policy to Electoral Votes
David S. Broder, Washington Post, 10 March 2002
- From Bush's Lips, a Vow He Could Not Renege On
Raymond Hernandez, New York Times, 10 March 2002
- The Senator Explodes
Mary McGrory, Washington Post,3 March 2002
- Bush White House releases transcripts of Clinton conversations  but only the parts that make Clinton look bad
Joshua Micah Marshall, Salon, 7 February 2002
- Bush's Insistence of Privacy for Presidential Records Doesn't Apply to His Predecessor
Don Van Natta Jr., New York Times, 1 February 2002
- Bush overturns rule banning law-breaking business from federal contracts
Kent Hoover, Sacramento Business Journal, 11 January 2002 issue
- During the campaign Bush said he'd veto Yucca as nuclear dump site
Cy Ryan, Las Vegas Sun, 29 September 2000
- Former POWs held by Japan are betrayed by the White House
Iris Chang, New York Times, 24 December 2001
- The GOP's New Lobbyist in Chief
Charles Lewis, Washington Post, 20 December 2001
- U.S. Seeks New Use for Secret Evidence Against Immigrants
William Glaberson, New York Times, 9 December 2001
- Why doesn’t the Bush administration have a physician in chief?
Emily Yoffe, Slate, 2 October 2001
- Bush's men face sleaze investigations
Mary Dejevsky, Independent UK, 20 June 2001
- You Want Integrity? Chip In
Michael Kelly, Washington Post, 22 May 2001
- Republicans blatantly sell access to Cabinet officials, party leaders
editorial, Washington Post, , 6 May 2001
- Tax-Cut Supporters Masqueraded as Blue-Collar Workers for Rally
Juliet Eilperin and Dan Morgan, Washington Post, 8 March 2001
- At the White House, 'Moving On' or Piling On?
John F. Harris and Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 18 February 2001
- Bush's Mocking Inaugural Address
Joyce Marcel, Albion Monitor, 29 January 2001
- For some, Bush loyalty is a one-way street
Paul A. Gigot, Wall Street Journal, 12 January 2001
- Hobbled from the start
Alan Wolfe, Salon, 15 December
No decision on Yucca Mountain until research results are available
- Yucca Mountain's Other Story
Toby Eglund, The Gully, 28 March 2002
- The political fallout from a nuclear-waste decision
Abraham McLaughlin, Christian Science Monitor, 5 March 2002
- Energy Dept. Is Challenged Over Waste Disposal Methods
Matthew L. Wald, New York Times, 4 March 2002
- U.S. Technologically Unready to Store Nuclear Waste at Yucca Mountain
Matthew L. Wald, New York Times, 31 January 2002
- Uncertainties surround plan for storing nuclear waste in Nevada
H. Josef Hebert, Associated Press (in the Detroit News), 26 January 2002
- Only GOP will get Armey's ear on Yucca
Erin Neff, Las Vegas Sun, 22 January 2002
- Battle Looms Over Energy Secretary's Decision on Yucca Mountain
Eric Pianin, Washington Post, 11 January 2002
Free trade
- A High-Risk, Two-Faced Trade Policy
Richard S. Dunham, Business Week, 25 March 2002
- Bush's Costly Meltdown on Steel
Christopher Farrell, Business Week, 18 March 2002
- Treasury Official Is Said to Fault Steel Tariff Move
Joseph Kahn and Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times, 16 March 2002
- So Much for Free Trade
David Ignatius, Washington Post, 8 March 2002
- US should drop steel doctrine
Victor Keegan, Guardian (UK), 7 March 2002
- U.S. Users of Steel Worry That Tariffs Will Be Costly
Claudia H. Deutsch, New York Times, 7 March 2002
- Politics a Key Force in Forging Steel Policy
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 6 March 2002
- Steel Tariffs Weaken Bush's Global Hand
Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times, 6 March 2002
- Bush to Announce Steel Tariffs Amid Worries About Reaction of Allies
David E. Sanger And Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times, 5 March 2002
"I'm a compassionate conservative"
- Bush Aims to Gut Federal Rent Aid
Amy Goldstein, Washington Post, 13 April 2004
- What has George W ever done for women?
Laura Flanders, The Guardian, 26 March 2004
- For Patients' Rights, a Quiet Fadeaway
Amy Goldstein, Washington Post, 12 September 2003
- Under New Bush Rule, Emergency Rooms May No Longer Be Required to Treat Patients
Robert Pear, New York Times, 2 September 2003
- Where's the Compassion?
Joe Conason, The Nation, 28 August 2003
- If Bush has his way, human lives will be worth less
Jim Barnett, Newhouse News, 27 March 2003
- Deborah Cook Is the Typical Bush Judicial Nominee  So Watch Out
Adam Cohen, New York Times, 25 February 2003
- Bush Seeks to Recast Federal Ties to the Poor
Amy Goldstein and Jonathan Weisman, Washington Post, 9 February 2003
- Aid to Poor Faces More Scrutiny
Robert Pear, New York Times, 5 February 2003
- Bush chooses homophobe for AIDS panel
San Francisco Chronicle (in The Smirking Chimp), 23 January 2003
- President's Compassionate Agenda Lags
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 26 December 2002
- Domestic Violence Law's Foes Tapped for Oversight Panel
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 5 September 2002
- Bush vs. Women
Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times, 16 August 2002
- Oxy, meet moron: Bush resurrects the lie he calls 'compassionate conservatism'
Marc Sandalow, San Francisco Chronicle (in (in The Smirking Chimp)), 1 May 2002
- Devastated Women
Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times, 26 April 2002
- Budget Would Cut Medicaid Payments
Robert Pear, New York Times, 2 February 2002
- Bush's Economic Gap
Robert Kuttner, Washington Post, 20 January 2002
- Bush repeals rule that blacklisted lawbreakers
Leigh Strope, Associated Press (in the Detroit Free Press), 3 January 2002
- White House Sits on Million for Low Income People's Power Use
KABC (Los Angeles), 8 September 2001
- Case Leaves Disabilities Activists Wary Of Bush Policy
Sarah Schafer, Washington Post, 8 August 2001
- Charities decry elimination of tax provision that would encourage donations
Dana Milbank and Glenn Kessler, Washington Post, 30 May 2001
- Bush opposes lawsuit by former "comfort women" against Japan
Bill Miller, Washington Post, 14 May 2001
- Bush regime may renege on Andrew Cuomo's pledge to rehabilitate housing
Terry Pristin, New York Times, 2 April 2001
- The Mask Comes Off
Bob Herbert, New York Times, 26 March 2001
- The cruelty of compassionate conservatism
Jennifer Foote Sweeney (editor of Life, Salon, 23 March 2001
- The 'Having It All' Lie
Marjorie Williams, Washington Post, 21 February 2001
- Bush's urban agenda: Let churches and businesses do it.
Darci McConnell, Detroit News, 18 February 2001
- A mother's anguish - and a President's profits
Observer (UK), 17 December
"Leave no child behind"
- Words, Actions at Odds on Children's Health Care
Ceci Connolly, Washington Post, 25 September 2004
- Defying Bush, Senate Increases Child Care Funds for the Poor
Robert Pear, New York Times, 31 March 2004
- Reauthorization Bill Contains Less Child Care Funding Than White House Claims
Sharon Parrott, Jennifer Mezey, Mark Greenberg and Shawn Fremstad Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 15 December 2003
- Schoolkids go begging as military gets billions
John Carter, Los Angeles Times (in The Smirking Chimp), 6 September 2003
- School officials slam Bush plan to eliminate school funding for military kids
CNN, 7 February 2003
- Bush prepares for war, sacrificing after-school programs along the way
Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, Detroit Free Press, 28 February 2003
- Thousands of Schools May Run Afoul of New Law
Sam Dillon, New York Times, 16 February 2003
- Bush's Plan for Head Start Worries Supporters
Diana Jean Schemo, New York Times, 12 February 2003
- U.S. to Review Head Start Program
Valerie Strauss, Washington Post, 17 January 2003
- Money for School Lunches Diverted to Livestock, Report Contends
Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post, 2 November 2002
- Bush Seeks Slower Growth in Education Spending as Costs of War Rise
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 25 September 2002
- 'No Child Left Behind' Is Hit Song With Bush Team
Diana Jean Schemo, New York Times , 23 June 2002
- Bush has left education reform behind
Senator Christopher J. Dodd, Hartford Courant (in The Smirking Chimp), 13 May 2002
- Proposal seeks to trim student-loan program
Detroit Free Press, 29 April 2002
- Bush Seeking to Squeeze School Loan Program
Philip Shenon, New York Times , 28 April 2002
- FDA suspends child-drug testing rule to see if financial incentives work
San Francisco Chronicle, 18 March 2002
- Bush's Proposal on Welfare Draws Fire From Democrats for Putting Children at Risk
Robin Toner, New York Times (requires registration to view), 13 March 2002
- No Child Left Behind? Come to Indian Country
Jon Whirlwind Horse, Washington Post, 23 February 2002
- Democrats: Bush's Education Budget Is Less Than Promised
Robert Pear, New York Times, 13 February 2002
- How Poor Kids Pay for Tax Cuts
editorial, Washington Post, 17 December 2001
- Officials May Boycott Session on Children to Enforce Anti-Abortion Stance
Alan Sipress, Washington Post, 27 August 2001
- Bush's War on Children
Jonathan Rowe and Gary Ruskin, AlterNet, 3 July 2001
- Bush uses organizations for photo ops and then cuts funding
Jake Tapper, Salon, 13 April 2001
"I'm a uniter, not a divider"
- Instead of healing, Bush appoints enemies of civil rights
Trevor Coleman, Detroit Free Press, 27 January 2003
- Democrats' Removal From Pentagon Boards Criticized
Thomas E. Ricks, Washington Post, 18 April 2002
- Arab-Americans were betrayed by Bush
Eric Boehlert, Salon (full article available to subscribers only), 2 April 2002
- Tom Daschle Isn't the Problem
editorial, New York Times, 11 December 2001
- Blacks sense snub by Bush
Gebe Martinez, Detroit News, 8 August 2001
- W Picks Golf Over NAACP
John Nichols, Madison Capital Times (in CommonDreams), 13 July 2001
- White House gets it wrong in response to NAACP's attack
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 10 July 2001
- Republican Congress members get action on their letters to White House; Democrats get form letters
Ruby L. Bailey, Detroit Free Press, 7 June 2001
- Dissecting Bush's lunchtime photo-op
Dana Milbank and Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post, 1 May 2001
- Tough questions for Bush at Democratic retreat
Mike Allen and Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post, 5 February 2001
- Bush Disses Democrats, Blacks: Won't Renominate Justice Ronnie White for Federal Bench
Associated Press (in the Washington Post, 3 February 2001
- Charm School Graduate in Chief
Frank Rich, New York Times, 3 February 2001
"President of all the people, not just those who voted for me"
- U.S. backs off discrimination cases
Shannon McCaffrey, Detroit Free Press, 11 December 2003
- Arabs' support for Bush sours
Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press, 15 May 2003
- Bush jibe angers black leaders
Matthew Engel, The Guardian, 10 July 2002
- Bush moving to eliminate government offices that look after women's rights
Tamar Lewin, New York Times, 19 December 2001
- Shutting Public Out, Letting the Elite In
Elisabeth Bumiller, New York Times, 3 November 2001
- White House Cancels Public Holiday Tours
Manny Fernandez and Spencer S. Hsu, Washington Post, 20 November 2001
- Bush turns back on Muslims
Muqtedar Khan, Detroit News, 21 June 2001
- Bush is restricting tour groups' access to the White House
Elaine Sciolino, New York Times, 12 May 2001
- Women's groups blast Bush's policies
Lyn Berry, Denver Business Journal, 13 April 2001
- Leaders Decry Bush's Stealth Closing of Women's Office
Amy Goldstein and Mike Allen, Washington Post, 29 March 2001
- Bush's Attempt At Healing Hits Sore Point in Houston
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 16 January 2001
- Texas Dems get Bush-whacked
Jake Tapper, Salon, 14 December 2000
"A reformer with results"
- Government costs more under Bush administration
Ron Hutcheson, Detroit Free Press, 4 December 2003
- Bush promises jobs help, but cancels funding for jobs creation programs
Jonathan Weisman, Washington Post, 3 September 2003
- Bush Plan to Ease Clean Air Rules Roils Court Cases Against Utilities
Eric Pianin, Washington Post,16 July 2002
- Report Disputes Bush Approach to Bridging 'Digital Divide'
John Schwartz, New York Times, 11 July 2002
- Critics Say Bush Broke Vow on Superfund Site in Edison
Robert Hanley, New York Times, 2 July 2002
- Bush slashing aid for E.P.A. cleanup at 33 toxic sites
Katharine Q. Seelye, New York Times (in The Smirking Chimp), 1 July 2002
- White House is undermining CDC's effectiveness
Susan Okie, Washington Post, 1 July 2002
- Reversing Course, Bush Signs Bill Raising Farm Subsidies
David E. Sanger, New York Times, 14 May 2002
- White House Ends Environmental Fellowship
New York Times, 13 April 2002
- Police fighting Bush's plans to cut popular federal law enforcement programs
Ana Radelat, Greeneville News, 2 April 2002
- Opening Government Jobs to Private Competition: Why 1 in 4?
Stephen Barr, Washington Post, 7 March 2002
- Bush Budget to Seek Job Training Cut
Robert Pear, New York Times, 31 January 2002
- Bush's Lobbying Style Provides Little Leadership
Elisabeth Bumiller, New York Times, 24 December 2001
- Prospects Dim for Medicare Drug Benefit
Robin Toner, New York Times, 5 November 2001
- Another Bush Lie Revealed: U.S. Not Seeking New Global Warming Talks
Eric Pianin, Washington Post, 27 July 2001
- Guns and Bitterness (all other campaign promises subjugated to the tax cut)
Paul Krugman, New York Times, 4 January 2001
"It's the people's money, not the government's"
Election Reform
Reforming the Military
- Preparing For War, Bush Spurns Veterans
Helen Thomas, The Carolina Channel, 7 January 2003
- Memo urges VA staff to stop pushing services
Glen Johnson, Boston Globe (in The Smirking Chimp), 1 August 2002
- Big Bucks Trip Up the Lean New Army
James Dao, New York Times, 10 February 2002
- Help Used to Be on the Way
Fred Hiatt, Washington Post, 27 August 2001
- Bush shifts his stand on peacekeeping
Francine Kiefer, Christian Science Monitor, 1 June 2001
- Cooperation easier on Kosovo front line
Alexander Golts, Russia Journal, 4 February 2001
- Bush Plans Modest Increase for the Pentagon
Steven Lee Myers and James Dao, New York Times, 1 February 2001
Reversing Course
Often, We the People don't want Bush to keep his promise.
- Bush Backs Into Nation Building
Terry M. Neal, Washington Post, 27 February 2003
- Bush gives in again, will endorse increased spending on renewable energy
Major Garrett, CNN, 27 June 2001
- Bush to Adopt Clinton's Lead Disclosure Rules
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 17 April 2001
- White House Backs Off Plan to Ease Meat Testing
Philip Brasher, Washington Post, 5 April 2001
- Weak economy forces Bush to reshape agenda
Gebe Martinez, Detroit News, 8 April 2001
- Benefits program for sick nuclear workers won't be transferred
Katherine Rizzo, Associated Press (in the Detroit News), 8 April 2001
links only from 2004 or earlier
Corporate Corruption
- Air Force let Boeing rewrite contract
Joseph L. Galloway, Miami Herald, 28 March 2004
- The Anti-Regulation Regulator
Stephen Labaton, New York Times, 27 August 2002
- Clinton Says Republicans Blocked His Audit Reforms
David M. Halbfinger, New York Times, 25 July 2002
- Bush does flip-flop, hails biz fraud bill he ripped
Timothy J. Burger and Thomas M. DeFrank, New York Daily News, 25 July 2002
- 10 Days that Shook the Bush Presidency
Thomas Spencer, History News Network, 23 July 2002
- Shorting George
Landon Thomas Jr., New York Magazine, 23 July 2002
- Don't blame Bubba
Gloria Borger, U.S. News & World Report (in The Smirking Chimp), 29 July 2002 issue
- Bush digs himself into a hole and keeps digging
Taipei Times, 16 July 2002
- The Rap on Bush and Cheney
Bill Saporito, Time, 14 July 2002
- Bush speech fails to deliver
David Schepp, BBC, 15 July 2002
- GOP tries to pin Enron/WorldCom on Clinton
Nathan Newman, Progressive Populist (in The Smirking Chimp), 14 July 2002
- White House backs Thompson in spite of his ties to company that committed fraud
CNN, 13 July 2002
- That's pretty rich, Bush
Oliver Morgan, Observer (UK) (in The Smirking Chimp), 14 July 2002
- Head of new fraud task force linked to firm accused of fraud
Chuck Squatrigia, San Francisco Chronicle (in The Smirking Chimp), 13 July 2002
- U.S. Corporate Watchdog Served At Troubled Firm
Anitha Reddy, Washington Post, 13 July 2002
- The Five Dumbest Things on Wall Street This Week
George Mannes, TheStreet, 12 July 2002
- Bush in more trouble as markets crash
Matthew Engel, The Guardian, 12 July 2002
- The Busted Effort to Blame Enron on Bill Clinton and the Democrats
Bill O'Reilly Sucks, July 2002
- Bush Failed to Stress Need to Rein In Stock Options
Gretchen Morgenson, New York Times, 11 July 2002
- Bush's crackdown fails to convince
Sydney Morning Herald (in The Smirking Chimp), 11 July 2002
- Bush Calls for End to Loans of a Type He Once Received
Jeff Gerth and Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times, 11 July 2002
- Speechifying in His Sleep
Richard Cohen, Washington Post, 11 July 2002
- Bush's Appeal to Morality Falls Short
Matthew Goldstein, TheStreet, 10 July 2002
- Big Names but No Authority to Prosecute
David Johnston, New York Times, 10 July 2002
- Bush, on Wall Street, Offers Tough Talk and Softer Plans
Floyd Norris, New York Times, 10 July 2002
- Corporate rogues count on the G.O.P.
Joe Conason, New York Observer (in The Smirking Chimp), 10 July 2002
- A Roaring Bull Market in Political Trading
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 10 July 2002
- Bush meets with corporate contributors
Associated Press, 4 January 2001
Harken Oil
- A Detailed Summary of 'HarkenGate'
Professor Skip Fox, Democratic Underground, 26 July 2002
- Bush’s Insider Connections Preceded Huge Profit On Stock Deal
Knut Royce, Center for Public Integrity, 7 March 2004
- Bush quashed evidence in Harken enquiry
David Teather, The Guardian, 2 November 2002
- Bush Sold Stock After Lawyers' Warning
Peter Behr, Washington Post, 1 November 2002
- Bush's Fancy Financial Footwork
David Ignatius, Washington Post, 6 August 2002
- How George W. Bush made his millions
Joseph Kay, World Socialist Web Site, 1 August 2002
- Harken Energy set up Caymans subsidiary in '89
Timothy J. Burger, New York Daily News (in The Smirking Chimp), 1 August 2002
- Is Harken Energy Bush's Watergate?
The Scoop, 22 July 2002
- Predicting presidential scandals: Bush's new vulnerability
John W. Dean, FindLaw (in The Smirking Chimp), 22 July 2002
- Files: Bush Knew Firm's Plight Before Stock Sale
Mike Allen, Washington Post (in Truthout), 21 July 2002
- Soros adds to doubts on Bush business deals
Michael Kranish, Sydney Morning Herald, 20 July 2002
- Report says that Harken sought influence in buying Bush firm
Michael Kranish, Boston Globe (in The Smirking Chimp), 19 July 2002
- White House Watch: Credibility problem
Nicholas M. Horrock, UPI, 17 July 2002
- Senators: Release records on Bush stock sale
Kelly Wallace, CNN, 16 July 2002
- Audit this
Martin Peretz, The New Republic (in The Smirking Chimp), 16 July 2002
- Steps to Wealth
Paul Krugman, New York Times (in The Smirking Chimp), 16 July 2002
- Bush rides the Whitewater
Eric Boehlert, Salon, 13 July 2002
- Bush squirms in sleaze scandal
Ed Vulliamy, Observer (UK) (in The Smirking Chimp), 14 July 2002
- Why US press didn't give Bush a burning
Harold Evans, Observer (UK), 14 July 2002
- Harken Papers Offer Details on Bush Knowledge
Mike Allen and George Lardner Jr., Washington Post, 14 July 2002
- Takin' care of bidness
Randall E. Stross, U.S. News & World Report (in The Smirking Chimp), 22 July 2002 issue
- Memos: Bush knew of Harken's problems
Anthony York, Salon, 12 July 2002
- The Insider Game
Paul Krugman, New York Times (in Truthout), 12 July 2002
- 'Read My Lips: Oil Was Well with Harken'
Tom Flocco, American Free Press (in Scoop.com), 12 July 2002
- Bush's business career a study in using connections
Michael Kranish and John Aloysius Farrell, Boston Globe (in The Smirking Chimp), 12 July 2002
- As a Harken board member, Bush OKd a deal like Enron's
Warren Vieth, Los Angeles Times, 12 July 2002
- Bush was told, before his stock sales, of company troubles
Ken Fireman, Long Island Newsday (in The Smirking Chimp), 12 July 2002
- Secrecy Surrounds Bush Stock Deal
Associated Press (in Truthout), 12 July 2002
- Did Bush Profit on His Harken Loans?
Daniel Gross, Slate, 11 July 2002
- George Bush, Failed Corporate Crook
James Ridgeway, Village Voice, 10 July 2002
- Bush Took Oil Firm's Loans as Director
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 10 July 2002
- Old Business in New Light
Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times, 9 July 2002
- "There was no malfeance (sic.), no attempt to hide anything."
Alastair Thompson, Scoop, 9 July 2002
- Beware the MBA president: Democrats target Bush's business ethics
Susan Milligan, Boston Globe (in The Smirking Chimp), 9 July 2002
- Minding their own business at the White House
David Teather, The Guardian (in The Smirking Chimp), 9 July 2002
- Succeeding in Business
Paul Krugman, New York Times, 7 July 2002
- The know-nothing defense has been getting a workout
David Lazarus, San Francisco Chronicle, 5 July 2002
- The rule he broke
Ken Fireman, Long Island Newsday (in The Smirking Chimp), 4 July 2002
- Story changes on Bush stock sale
Zachary Coile, San Francisco Chronicle (in The Smirking Chimp), 4 July 2002
- White House on defensive over Bush handling of stock sale
CNN, 3 July 2002
- Bush Faces Scrutiny Over Disclosing '90 Stock Sale Late
Elisabeth Bumiller, New York Times, 4 July 2002
- Under Scrutiny, White House Shifts Blame for '91 Late Filing
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 4 July 2002
- Bush blames lawyers for undeclared share sale
Matthew Engel, The Guardian, 4 July 2002
- Bush on back foot over corporate past
The Guardian, 4 July 2002
- Bush Name Helps Fuel Oil Dealings
George Lardner Jr. and Lois Romano, Washington Post, 30 July 1999
- Bush and Lay: A Common Pattern of Stock Dumps?
David Corn, The Nation, February 2002
- Memo Cited Bush's Late SEC Filings
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 3 July 2002
- Everyone Is Outraged
Paul Krugman, New York Times, 2 July 2002
- A Detailed Summary of 'HalliburtonGate'
Professor Skip Fox, Democratic Underground, 26 July 2002
- Halliburton Accused of Accounting Fraud
Jonathan Stempel, Reuters (in Truthout),6 August 2004
- Halliburton Subpoenaed Over Unit's Iran Work
Matt Daily, Reuters, 19 July 2004
- Pentagon E-Mail Prompts Calls to Probe Halliburton, Cheney
Susan Cornwell, Reuters (in Truthout), 1 June 2004
- Did Cheney Okay a Deal for Halliburton?
Timothy J. Burger and Adam Zagorin, Time (in Truthout), 30 May 2004
- Halliburton lobby costs see big drop
Maud S. Beelman, Boston Globe, 27 March 2004
- Top U.S. General in Iraq Criticizes Halliburton Conduct
CNN, 15 March 2004
- Pentagon Opens Criminal Inquiry of Halliburton Pricing
Richard A. Oppel Jr., New York Times, 24 February 2004
- Halliburton's Iraq gravy train
Farhad Manjoo, Salon, 27 February 2004
- What did the Vice-President do for Halliburton?
Jane Mayer, The New Yorker, 9 February 2004
- Another Halliburton Probe
Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenrball, Newsweek, 4 February 2004
- Pentagon Seeks Further Halliburton Probe
Associated Press (in Truthout), 15 January 2004
- A Nigerian Contract at the Heart of a Corruption Affair
Eric Decouty, Le Figaro (in Truthout), 20 December 2003
- Halliburton Subsidiary Is Accused of Racial Bias
Jonathan D. Glater, New York Times, 29 November 2003
- Oil Firm Linked to Cheney Gets Iraq Boost
David Teather, The Guardian (in Truthout), 30 October 2003
- Halliburton Unit In Consortium Fingered For Alleged Corruption
Houston Business Journal (in Truthout), 10 October 2003
- Oil Services Firm Paid Cheney as VP
Reuters (in Truthout), 17 September 2003
- Halliburton flap roils as Corps tacks on task
David Ivanovich, Houston Chronicle, 7 May 2003
- Halliburton got more than oil fire contract
Larry Margasak, Associated Press (in the Detroit News), 7 May 2003
- Halliburton Subsidiary Wins Iraqi Oil Firefighting Contract
Associated Press (in Truthout), 26 March 2003
- Texas Firms Line Up U.S. Aid in Peru
James V. Grimaldi, Washington Post, 20 November 2002
- Conflict of interest for Cheney
David Lazarus, San Francisco Chronicle, 4 November 2002
- Halliburton and other Western firms eye reconstruction in old Iraqi oil fields
Taipei Times, 31 October 2002
- Pot calls kettle 'evildoer'
Molly Ivins, NewsForChange, 3 September 2002
- Cheney firm won .8bn contracts from government
Ed Vulliamy and Nick Paton Walsh, Observer (UK), 21 July 2002
- For Cheney, Tarnish From Halliburton
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 16 July 2002
- Cheney's grimy trail in business
Robert Scheer, Los Angeles Times, 16 July 2002
- In Tough Times, a Company Finds Profits in Terror War
Jeff Gerth and Don Van Natta Jr., New York Times (in The Smirking Chimp), 13 July 2002
- The Cheney Question
Business Week, 12 July 2002
- Bush and Cheney face scrutiny in financial scandals
Rupert Cornwell, Independent UK, 4 July 2002
- SEC Chief Vows Ongoing Audit Probe of Halliburton
Kathleen Day, Washington Post, 1 July 2002
- Halliburton on the hot seat: Cheney's ex-firm to receive full SEC probe
Zachary Coile, San Francisco Chronicle (in The Smirking Chimp), 1 July 2002
- US corporate clean-up implicates Cheney
BBC, 29 May 2002
- Under Cheney, Halliburton Altered Policy on Accounting
Alex Berenson and Lowell Bergman, New York Times (requires registration to view), 22 May 2002
- Halliburton: Targeting Another Texas Connection
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 29 January 2002
- Cheney's old firm on shaky ground
David Lazarus, San Francisco Chronicle, 20 January 2002
- Halliburton stock hits 15-year low amid asbestos liability worries
John McFarland, Associated Press (in San Francisco Chronicle), 4 January 2002
- Under Cheney, Halliburton did million in business with Iraq
Colum Lynch, Washington Post, 23 June 2001
- Cheney's Halliburton did business with Iraq after sanctions were imposed
Martin A. Lee, San Francisco Bay Guardian, 13 November 2000
- Firm's Iraq Deals Greater Than Cheney Has Said
Colum Lynch, Washington Post, 23 June 2001 February 2002
- New White House Counsel Accused of Favoritism for Cheney's Halliburton
Nathan Newman, CommonDreams, 18 December 2000
- Cheney Made Millions Off Oil Deals with Hussein
Martin A. Lee, San Francisco Bay Guardian (in Truthout), 13 November 2000
WorldCom Meltdown
- World Con
Ed Vulliamy, Observer (UK), 29 June 2002
Taiwangate Slush Fund
Funeralgate, The Sequel: Focus on Florida
- Funeral firm that dug up bodies pays families
Duncan Campbell, The Guardian, 4 December 2003
- G.A.O. Sets Inquiry of Crematory Fraud and Grave Desecration
New York Times, 21 March 2002
- Funeral Company Manager, Upset by Suit, Is Found Dead
Dana Canedy, New York Times, 29 December 2001
- Funeralgate: The Skeleton in Bush's closet is back from the dead
Reality.com, 24 December 2001
- Bush family backer linked to ghoulish (and illegal) corpse-dumping, grave reselling schemes
Tamara Baker, American Politics Journal, 21 December 2001
- Funeral Company Accused of Desecration
Tamar Lewin, New York Times, 21 December 2001
- Cemetery Claims Class Action
Law firms of "Colson Hicks Eidson" and "Greenspoon, Marder, Hirschfeld, Rafkin, Ross & Berger"; 19 December 2001
- SCI: The Dying Giant
Robert Bryce, Salon, 29 September 1999
- Democrats.com list of information about Funeralgate
- The funeral scandal time line
Compiled by Robert Bryce, Salon, 20 August 1999
- Funeralgate: Bush Charged With Lying Under Oath About Influence-Peddling
R. Prichard, Democrats.com
- The Lawsuit That Wouldn't Die
Robert Bryce, Austin Chronicle, 26 January 2001
- Fear and Loathing in Austin
Robert Bryce, The Austin Chronicle, 10 November 2000
- It's His Funeral
Robert Bryce, The Austin Chronicle, 27 October 2000
- Bush Faces Lawsuit in Texas
John Mintz, Washington Post, 23 August 1999
- Who is Eliza May?
Robert Bryce, Salon, 20 August 1999
- Funeralgate Hits Texas
Robert Bryce, Austin Chronicle, 9-15 July 1999
Political Cronies
- See also:Cabinet and Other Appointees
- EPA Rule on Hazardous Waste Favored Ohio Businessman Who Is a Big GOP Donor
James V. Grimaldi and Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post, 17 May 2004
- How a Shady Iranian Deal Maker Kept the Pentagon's Ear
James Risen, New York Times (in Truthout), 7 December 2003
- Ashcroft friend, adviser signed up OKC victims with promise of winning federal aid
John Solomon, Associated Press (in the Kansas City Star), 1 August 2002
- Interior Official's Memo Raises Conflict Issue
Michael Grunwald, Washington Post, 25 May 2002
- The Man to See On Indian Affairs?
Michael Weisskopf, Time, 15 April 2002
- Energy Industry's Recommendations to Bush Became National Policy
Don Van Natta Jr. and Neela Banerjee, New York Times, 28 March 2002
- Presidential Order Followed Draft by Lobbyists
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 27 March 2002
- In Appointments, Administration Leaves No Family Behind
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 12 March 2002
- Cheney Daughter Gets Job at State
Washington Post, 2 March 2002
- State Dept. job created for Cheney's daughter
Eli J. Lake, UPI, 28 February 2002
- John Poindexter Takes Over New Agency to Thwart Attacks on U.S.
John Markoff, New York Times, 13 February 2002
- The GOP's New Lobbyist in Chief
Charles Lewis, Washington Post, 20 December 2001
- Rascally Marc Racicot
Jacob Weisberg, Slate, 9 January 2002
- Racicot Chosen to Head GOP National Committee
Thomas B. Edsall and Mike Allen, Washington Post, 5 December 2001
- Bush's, Enron's fates were intertwined
Don Van Natta Jr., New York Times, 2 December 2001
- Cheney's son-in-law assigned to Microsoft case
James V. Grimaldi, Washington Post, 27 August 2001
- Barrick Gold forces investigative journalist Greg Palast offline
William Spain, CBS Marketwatch, 1 August 2001
- White House sought advice on opening a nuclear waste dump from law firm that was also lobbying for nuclear industry
Matthew L. Wald, New York Times, 28 July 2001
- Former Volunteers Criticize Bush's Peace Corps Choice
Glenda Cooper, Washington Post, 27 July 2001
- A gold company with ties to the Bush family tries to muzzle a muckraking journalist
Joe Conason, Salon, 20 July 2001
- Bush met with Salvation Army officers about Faith-Based Initiative
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 15 July 2001
- Utilities hire chief GOP fundraiser to plead their cause with the government
Katharine Q. Seelye, New York Times, 6 June 2001
- Memo suggests Texas firm manipulated gas market
Bernadette Tansey, San Francisco Chronicle, 16 May 2001
- Bush campaign adviser removed from Medicare panel because of conflict of interest
Robert Pear, New York Times, 14 May 2001
- EU Official: U.S. Won't Halt OECD Tax Effort
Reuters (in the Washington Post), 12 May 2001
- Bush opposes plan to crack down on offshore tax havens
Jane Martinson and Charlotte Denny, The Guardian, 10 May 2001
- Welcome to the Military-Industrial Complex: Bush Picks Weapons-Company Executives for Pentagon Jobs
James Dao, New York Times, 25 April 2001
- Brokerage Firms Target Rule That Prevents Insider Trading
Carol Vinzant, Washington Post, 25 April 2001
- PG&E Took Hard Line, Dooming State Talks  Secret plan shows utility demanded even less regulation
David Lazarus, San Francisco Chronicle, 15 April 2001
- The disturbing ties of some of George W. Bush’s Latino advisors
Julie Reynolds, El Andar
- This Second Lady Is Keeping Her Day Job
Melinda Henneberger, New York Times, 6 February 2001
- Enron, the nation's largest energy merchant, won't let California stand in its way
Wendy Zellner, with Christopher Palmeri, Peter Coy, and Laura Cohn; Business Week, 12 February 2001
- Dear Richard, don't say we didn't tell you
Gregory Palast, The Guardian, 21 January 2001
- How George W. Bush got into the National Guard
Observer (UK), 28 November 1999
Partisan Campaign Activity in Florida Secretary of State's Office
- Bush's conspiracy to riot
Robert Parry, Consortium News (in The Smirking Chimp), 5 August 2002
- Florida judge slaps Katherine Harris over redistricting lawsuit
Matthew Haggman, Miami Daily Business Review, 20 June 2002
- The election shows the way Republicans play the game
Mary Jo Melone, St. Petersburg Times, 19 August 2001
- The imaginary firewall
editorial, St. Petersburg Times, 9 August 2001
- Democrats say Harris should resign
Alisa Ulferts, St. Petersburg Times, 9 August 2001
- Data Permanently Erased From Computers in Katherine Harris' Office
David Barstow, New York Times, 8 August 2001
- Harris computers contain partisan files
Thomas C. Tobin, Alisa Ulferts and Alicia Caldwell, St. Petersburg Times, 8 August 2001
- Data Permanently Erased From Florida Computers
David Barstow, New York Times, 8 August 2001
- Katherine Harris' hand-picked expert claims no files are missing from office hard drives
Alisa Ulferts, St. Petersburg Times, 2 August 2001
- Florida Gives Computers in November Election to News Groups
Dana Canedy, New York Times, 2 August 2001
- Harris employs systems expert; newspapers insist on their own inspection
Steve Bousquet, St. Petersburg Times, 28 July 2001
- Katherine Harris claims she will release hard drives used during recount
Dana Canedy, New York Times, 26 July 2001
- More Evidence Bush Stole the Election
Bill Press, CNN, 23 July 2001
- Florida Attorney General says all office records are public unless explicitly declared private by the legislature
Steve Bousquet, St. Petersburg Times, 21 July 2001
- New York Times documents military role in theft of 2000 election
Barry Grey, World Socialist Web Site, 19 July 2001
- Katherine Harris denies the New York Times evidence of her partisan bias
Dana Canedy, New York Times, 18 July 2001
- Harris' partisan fixers
editorial, St. Petersburg Times, 17 July 2001
- Katherine Harris' partisan activities during recount revisited
Tim Nickens and Steve Bousquet, St. Petersburg Times, 16 July 2001
- Media focused on Katherine Harris' makeup, not her indictable crimes
Laura Flanders, WorkingForChange, 16 July 2001
- Harris Hires Lawyers Linked to Jeb Bush
Jo Becker and Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 16 November 2000
- A taste for quiet and a talent for discord
Michael Ellison, Guardian UK, 14 November 2000
- The woman under fire
Jake Tapper, Salon, 13 November 2000
The Profit Motive
- Also see War Profiteers (separate page)
- Also see GOP Fund Raising (separate page)
- James Baker's Double Life
Naomi KleinThe Nation, 1 November October 2004
- Bush enjoys travel advantage on taxpayer-financed Air Force One
Associated Press (in USA Today), 1 June 2004
- Pigs at the trough: Bush's super fundraisers line up for favors
Paul Harris, The Observer (in The Smirking Chimp), 23 May 2004
- Chief of Head Start Is Accused of Mismanaging a Center
Diana Jean Schemo, New York Times, 16 April 2004
- Bush donors would benefit from Medicare, energy bills
Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post (in the Detroit News), 22 November 2003
- Utility at Center of Blackout was Major Bush Donor
Mike Allen, Washington Post (in Truthout), 19 August 2003
- 'Pioneers' Paved Bush's Way With Big Dollars
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 6 May 2003
- Cheney is Still Paid by Pentagon Contractor
Robert Bryce and Julian Borger, The Guardian (in Truthout), 12 March 2003
- Congressman Pressures Firm to Hire Republican Lobbyist
Kathleen Day and Jim VandeHei, Washington Post, 15 February 2003
- Cashing in: Fortunes of war await Bush's circle after attacks on Iraq
Andrew Gumbel, Independent UK (in The Smirking Chimp), 15 September 2002
- Vanity Fair Pays Bush Adviser For Access to White House
Jackie Calmes, Wall Street Journal, 15 July 2002
- Chevron Helped Dictate U.S. Energy Policy
press release, Natural Resources Defense Council, 22 May 2002
- Stopovers Let Bush Charge Taxpayers for Political Trips
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 20 May 2002
- Secret Taiwan Fund Sought Friends, Influence Abroad
John Pomfret, Washington Post, 5 April 2002
- GOP Groups Accused of Ensuring Income for Mo. Senate Candidate
Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post, 3 April 2002
- Taiwangate? Bush appointees linked to secret slush funds
David Corn, The Nation (in The Smirking Chimp), 3 April 2002
- President Rewards 43 Members of Fund-Raising 'Pioneers Club' With Prominent Posts
Don Van Natta Jr., New York Times, 6 March 2002
- Pioneers Pointing the Way for Bush
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 3 March 2002
- White House Is Backing Foes of Finance Bill
Richard L. Berke and Alison Mitchell, New York Times, 12 February 2002
- Abraham got thousands from nuke biz
William Spain, CBS MarketWatch, 11 January 2002
- Inside Lockheed's Billion Pentagon Connection
Geoffrey Gray, Village Voice, 7 November 2001
- O'Neill makes huge profit by delaying divestiture
Jake Tapper, Salon, 7 June 2001
- Bush donors fill top envoy posts
Laurence McQuillan, USA Today, 4 May 2001
- Elder Bush in Big G.O.P. Cast Toiling for Top Equity Firm
Leslie Wayne, New York Times, 5 February 2001
"Pharisees and Hypocrites"
- GOP aide probed in VA eavesdropping case
Hank Shaw, Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star, 18 April 2002
- Police Investigate A Top GOP Official In Eavesdropping
R.H. Melton, Washington Post, 29 March 2002
- Why has Lori Klausutis' Death Been Swept Under the Rug?
Jennifer Van Bergen, Truthout, 4 January 2002
- Dan Burton's Solo Visit to Germany Coincides With Wife's Treatment There
Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post, 11 August 2001
- Linda Tripp demands government job
Marianne Means, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 26 June 2001
- James Hormel Responds to His GOP Attackers
Peter Kupfer, Washington Post, 20 June 2001
- Robertson Remarks on China Abortions Rile Conservatives
Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post, 18 April 2001
- John "Shut It Down" Sweeney given a pass on probable drunk driving
Michael Tomasky, New York Magazine, 13 March 2001
- Huckabee Acknowledges Ties to Right-Wing Site (FreeRepublic.com
Doug J. Swason, Washington Post, 4 February 2001
- DeLay PACs Hired His Daughter as Consultant
Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post, 31 January 2001
Ethics Violations by Members of Bush Regime
- Two EPA Officials Take Jobs with Firms Benefiting from Air Rule Change
Knight Ridder (in Truthout), 4 September 2003
- How Ethical is the Bush Administration Anyway?
Viveca Novak, Time, 21 June 2001
- Bush's men face sleaze investigations
Mary Dejevsky, Independent UK, 20 June 2001
- FBI Candidate's Continued Role in Fraud Case Faulted
Dan Eggen, Washington Post, 16 June 2001
- Republicans blatantly sell access to Cabinet officials, party leaders
editorial, Washington Post, 6 May 2001
Spencer Abraham
Joseph Allbaugh
John Ashcroft
Robert G. Card
Charles James
Gale Norton
- Norton Never Submitted Fish and Wildlife Critique of Controversial Proposal to Relax Wetlands Rules
Michael Grunwald, Washington Post, 14 January 2002
- Officials Go on Trial for Contempt
Neely Tucker, Washington Post, 10 December 2001
- Norton Will Face Contempt Charges
Bill Miller, Washington Post, 29 November 2001
- Judge Warns He May Hold Norton, Others in Contempt
Bill Miller, Washington Post, 31 October 2001
- Norton Lies About Her Own Agency's Data In Order to Tout ANWR Drilling
Michael Grunwald, Washington Post, 19 October 2001
Theodore Olson
Paul O'Neill
Harvey Pitt
Colin Powell
Condoleeza Rice
Karl Rove
- Associates of Karl Rove Say He Helped Win Contract
Richard L. Berke, New York Times, 25 January 2002
- White House Rejects Request for Rove Ethics Review
George Lardner Jr., Washington Post, 11 August 2001
- Rove's First Step Toward Shedding Stock Took 5 Months
George Lardner Jr., Washington Post, 26 July 2001
- Karl Rove met with drug company lobbyists while owning drug-company stock
George Lardner Jr., Washington Post, 21 July 2001
- Waxman Seeks Justice Inquiry of Rove
George Lardner Jr., Washington Post, 18 July 2001
- Henry Waxman requests Justice Department review of Karl Rove's conflicts of interest
New York Times, 18 July 2001
- Bush defends adviser who met with Intel execs
Laurence McQuillan, USA Today, 19 June 2001
- Ethics of Key Bush Officials Targeted
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 16 June 2001
- Congressman Seeks Hearing on Bush Aide
David E. Sanger, New York Times, 16 June 2001
- Bush Aide Who Held Intel Stock Met Executives Seeking Merger
John Mintz, Washington Post, 14 June 2001
- Karl Rove kept utility stocks until after Bush energy plan was completed
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 6 June 2001
Donald Rumsfeld
Bush Lies links only from 2004 or earlier.
General News Reports
- List of Bush & Staff Lies
Clarence Swinney, Liberal Slant, 13 February 2003
- Bush's Top Ten Flip-Flops
CBS News, 28 September 2004
- Evidence is growing that the Bush administration has misled the public
The Economist, 1 April 2004
- Democrats Challenge Bush's Credibility
Jim VandeHei, Washington Post, 24 February 2003
- Karl Rove, Adding to His To-Do List
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 25 June 2002
- Bush breaks campaign promises
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 25 March 2002
- Bush is still promising for New York  but has only budgeted
Paul Krugman, New York Times, 8 February 2002
- Bush backs away from campaign pledge to acknowledge Armenian genocide
Michael Doyle, Record Searchlight, 25 April 2001
- Nobody believes Bush never planned to eliminate the offices for AIDS and race relations
Jessica Reaves, Time, 9 February 2001
- Does Bush think we won't notice his contradictions?
Gregory Stanford, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, 24 July 2004
- Lies of Our Times
Tom Engelhardt, Mother Jones, 21 June 2004
- Bush's incredible definition of credibility
William Saletan, Slate, 14 April 2004
- When secrecy protects a lie
Walter Cronkite, Denver Post, 4 April 2004
- Washington Pinocchios and the Lifting of the Veil
Manuel Valenzuela, Axis of Logic, 30 March 2004
- Bush & the L-Word
Nat Parry, Consortium News, 29 March 2004
- Want facts? Don't ask the White House
Leonard Pitts Jr., Detroit Free Press, 3 March 2004
- Serial Liar Bush Finally Gets Caught
Bill Gallagher, Niagara Falls Reporter, 17 February 2004
- Madness and Mendacity
Edwy Plenel, Le Monde (in Truthout), 20 February 2004
- W's Reality Gap
Mark Green, AlterNet, 20 February 2004
- Is Bush a Pathological Liar?
David Corn, LA Weekly, 5 December 2003
- To tell the truth is not George W. Bush's game
Ed Garvey, Madison Capital Times, 29 April 2003
- Threats, Promises and Lies
Paul Krugman, New York Times (in The Smirking Chimp), 25 February 2003
- Is W. the Biggest Liar Since LBJ?
P.M. Carpenter, History News Network, 24 February 2003
- Bush's Life of Deception
Sam Parry, ConsortiumNews, 4 November 2002
- Diagnosing Dubya
Carol Wolman, M.D., Counterpunch (in The Smirking Chimp), 2 October 2002
Lies That Led to War
- The Bush Administration's Public Statements on Iraq
Report prepared at the request of Rep. Henry A. Waxman
- Bush Flip Flops on Iraq
Compiled in Compassiongate
- Linking Saddam Hussein with al Qaeda (below)
- Joseph Wilson, the Niger Forgery, and Valerie Plame below)
- Also see Richard Clarke (separate page)
- Bush Wanted To Invade Iraq If Elected in 2000
Russ Baker, Guerrilla News Network, 27 October 2004
- US gave date of war to Britain in advance, court papers reveal
Colin Brown, Independent UK, 27 October 2004
- Iraq Evidence 'Manipulated,' Inquiry Finds
Greg Miller, Los Angeles Times (in Truthout), 22 October 2004
- Former CIA chief says Iraq war was wrong
Editor & Publisher (in Truthout), 21 October 2004
- Thinktank: invasion aided al-Qaida
Richard Norton-Taylor, The Guardian, 20 October 2004
- The 45-minute claim was false
Marie Woolf, Independent UK, 13 October 2004
- Rewriting history to justify the Iraq war
Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball, Newsweek, 6 October 2004
- Bush and Blair's case for war is demolished
Independent UK, 7 October 2004
- No weapons, no programmes: nothing to justify the invasion
Rupert Cornwell, Independent UK, 7 October 2004
- New report calls intelligence in Iraq nuclear program 'questionable'
AFP, 4 October 2004
- Skewed Intelligence Data in March to War in Iraq
David Barstow, New York Times (in Truthout), 3 October 2004
- Record shows Bush shifting on Iraq war
Marc Sandalow, San Francisco Chronicle, 29 September 2004
- Key Bush Assertions About Iraq in Dispute
Adam Entous, Reuters, 26 September 2004
- U.N.: Iraqi Drones Were No Threat
Colum Lynch, Washington Post, 5 September 2004
- They Knew Iraq Claims Were Weak
David Sirota and Christy Harvey, In These Times, 3 August 2004
- High Qaeda Aide Retracted Claim of Link With Iraq
Douglas Jehl, New York Times, 30 July 2004
- Claim of 400,000 bodies in Saddam-era graves is untrue
Peter Beaumont, London Observer, 18 July 2004
- Blair and Bush 'Should Have Realised Pre-War Truth on Wmd'
Gavin Cordon, The Scotsman, 18 July 2004
- Decoding the Senate Intelligence Committee Investigation on Iraq
Andrew Rosenthal, New York Times, 18 July 2004
- Defectors' Reports on Iraq Arms Were Embellished, Exile Asserts
Jim Dwyer, New York Times, 9 July 2004
- Cheney Had No New Data on Saddam, Al Qaeda - Panel
Reuters (in Truthout), 6 July 2004
- How a baseless conspiracy theory took the U.S. to war
Peter Bergen, The Guardian, 5 July 2004
- We Knew at the Time the War Began that Iraq Did Not Possess WMD
Jude Wanniski, History News Network, 5 July 2004
- Marine colonel, not Iraqis, spurred toppling of Saddam statue
Los Angeles Times (in the Seattle Times), 4 July 2004
- CIA Felt Pressure to Alter Iraq Data, Author Says
Greg Miller, Los Angeles Times (in Truthout), 1 July 2004
- Source for claim Saddam trained al Qaeda agents retracts his story
Michael Isikoff, Newsweek, 5 July 2004 issue
- Gore: Bush Lied About al-Qaida, Iraq Link
Liz Sidoti, Associated Press, 24 June 2004
- CIA: No Iraqi Officer Link in al-Qaida Meeting
Knut Royce, Newsday (in Truthout), 22 June 2004
- Intelligence experts cast doubt on ties between Iraq, al-Qaida
Jonathan S. Landay, Knight-Ridder, 21 June 2004
- It Depends What the Meaning of "Relationship" Is
Fred Kaplan, Slate, 17 June 2004
- About the Alleged Ties Between Saddam and Osama
White House website, New York Times, and TalkingPointsMemo.com, quoted in History News Network, 19 June 2004
- No Link Between Osama and Saddam? Who Knew?
Eric Alterman, Center for American Progress (in Truthout), 17 June 2004
- No Evidence of Mohammed Atta Meeting With Iraqi
James Risen, New York Times, 17 June 2004
- Official verdict: White House misled world over Saddam
Andrew Buncombe, Independent UK, 17 June 2004
- Iraq lies, A-Z
Independent UK, 1 June 2004
- Can't find Iraqis taped in arms plot, Powell says
Mark Matthews, Baltimore Sun, 27 May 2004 Bush Administration statements on Iraq, then and now USA Today, 25 May 2004
- 'Re-enlist or we'll send you to Iraq': Recruiting pitch called scare tactic
Tim Jones and Michael Kilian, Chicago Tribune (in The Smirking Chimp), 24 May 2004
- Video Shows Iraq Wedding Celebration at Site of U.S. Bombardment
Scheherezade Faramarzi, Associated Press (in the The Guardian), 23 May 2004
- Lawmakers: Bush Bypassed Congress on Military Spending
Dan Morgan, Washington Post, 11 May 2004
- What Bush said as the Iraq prison scandal unfolded
William Saletan, Slate, 5 May 2004
- Bob Woodward documents Bush's war secrets
CBS News, 18 April 2004
- America quietly sacks its prize witness against Saddam
Patrick Cockburn, Independent UK, 17 April 2004
- Powell: Some Iraq testimony based on 'flawed' intelligence
CNN, 3 April 2004
- Powell Not Sure Iraq Trailers Were Labs
Barry Schweid, Associated Press, 2 April 2004
- Iraqi defector behind America's WMD claims exposed as 'out-and-out fabricator'
Andrew Gumbel, Independent UK, 29 March 2004
- White House 'exaggerated extent of WMD breakthrough'
Rupert Cornwell, Independent UK, 26 March 2004
- Iraq war wasn't justified, U.N. weapons experts say
CNN, 22 March 2004
- Iraqi exile group fed news media false information
Jonathan S. Landay and Tish Wells, Knight Ridder, 15 March 2004
- Tip alleging Iraqi bioweapons never confirmed
Walter Pincus, Washington Post, 5 March 2004
- Hans Blix Says Iraq War Was Unfounded
Associated Press (in Truthout), 24 February 2004
- The New Pentagon Papers
Karen Kwiatkowski, Salon (in Truthout), 10 March 2004
- Exposing Bush’s talking-points war
Marc Cooper, LA Weekly, 20 February 2004
- C.I.A. Admits It Didn't Give Weapon Data to the U.N.
Douglas Jehl and David E. Sanger, New York Times, 21 February 2004
- Weapons 'Capacity' of Iraq Challenged
Charlie Savage, Boston Globe (in Truthout), 17 February 2004
- White House rhetoric on Iraq threat sometimes at odds with intelligence
Walter Pincus and Dana Priest, Washington Post (in the Detroit News), 7 February 2004
- British intelligence chief's bombshell: 'We were overruled on dossier'
Paul Waugh, Independent UK, 4 February 2004
- The Lie Factory
Robert Dreyfuss and Jason Vest, Mother Jones, January/February 2004
- US officials knew in May 2002 Iraq possessed no WMD
Peter Beaumont, Gaby Hinsliff and Paul Harris, London Observer, 1 February 2004
- Iraqi who gave British intelligence WMD claim says it was untrue
David Leigh and Richard Norton-Taylor, The Guardian, 27 January 2004
- Bush Appears to Back Down on Arms Claim Against Iraq
David E. Sanger, New York Times (in Truthout), 28 January 2004
- Democrat Challenges Bush on Iraqi Intelligence Lapse
Douglas Jehl, New York Times, 16 January 2004
- Bush was demanding excuse to invade Iraq in January 2001, says ex-treasury secretary
Andrew Gumbel, Independent UK, 12 January 2004
- Spies, Lies, and Weapons: What Went Wrong
Kenneth M. Pollack, The Atlantic, January/February 2004
- Rice: No Evidence Iraq Moved WMD to Syria
Associated Press (in The Guardian), 9 January 2004
- White House Faulted on Uranium Claim
Walter Pincus, Washington Post, 24 December 2003
- Saddam Was Held by Kurdish Forces, Drugged and Left For U.S. Troops
Agence France-Presse (in Truthout), 20 December 2003
- Senators were told Iraqi weapons could hit U.S.
John McCarthy, Florida Today (in Truthout), 15 December 2003
- Pentagon and Bogus News: All Is Denied
Eric Schmitt, New York Times, 5 December 2003
- US under pressure to back claims over Iraq firefight
Phil Reeves, Independent UK (in Truthout), 4 December 2003
- CIA Admits Lack of Specifics on Iraqi Weapons Before Invasion
Agence France Presse (in Truthout), 30 November 2003
- Neocons Leak Bad Intelligence
Jim Lobe, AlterNet, 20 November 2003
- Satellite Link Allows White House to Bypass TV Networks, Provide Propaganda Direct to Local News Stations
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 15 November 2003
- Rumsfeld Retreats, Disclaims Earlier Rhetoric
Eric Rosenberg, Ocala Star Banner, 9 November 2003
- Critics say John Bolton has exaggerated weapons threats from other countries
Sonni Efron, Los Angeles Times (in the Boston Globe), 10 November 2003
- Analyst: White House Lied on Iraq
Donna Jackel, The Democrat and Chronicle (in Truthout), 20 October 2003
- Media Banned from Reporting on Returning Coffins
Dana Milbank, Washington Post (in Truthout), 21 October 2003
- Henry Waxman speech: 'They Lied'
Rep. Henry Waxman, D-CA, in Truthout, 16 October 2003
- Former Powell aide says Powell knew information in UN speech was false
CBS News (in Truthout), 15 October 2003
- Bush's Decision to Invade Iraq Happened Days after September 11th
Daily Mislead, 6 October 2003
- Report Offered Bleak Outlook About Iraq Oil
Jeff Gerth, New York Times, 5 October 2003
- New Criticism on Prewar Use of Intelligence
Carl Hulse and David E. Sanger, New York Times, 29 September 2003
- Defense Intelligence Agency Belittles Information Given by Iraq Defectors
Douglas Jehl, New York Times, 29 September 2003
- How the Bush administration's propaganda machine distorts the truth in the Middle East and at home.
Jennifer L. Buckendorff, Salon, 29 September 2003
- US paid for 'useless intelligence' from Chalabi
Andrew Buncombe, Independent UK, 30 September 2003
- House Intelligence Committee: U.S. 'Had No New Evidence of WMD' in Iraq
Edward Alden, Financial Times, 28 September 2003
- Documentary asserts WMD contradictions by White House officials
Paul Mulvey, Australian News, 23 September 2003
- Blix: 'Iraq War Not Justified'
Agence France-Presse (in Truthout), 18 September 2003
- Cheney Repeats Refuted Claims to Defend U.S. Actions in Iraq
Dana Milbank and Walter Pincus, Washington Post, 15 September 2003
- Wolfowitz Shifts Rationales on Iraq War
Michael Dobbs, Washington Post (in Truthout), 12 September 2003
- AP Staffer Fact-Checks Powell's UN Speech
Editor & Publisher, 9 September 2003
- The War in Iraq is Not Over and Neither Are the Lies to Justify It
Stephen Zunes, CommonDreams, 8 September 2003
- The Bush Administration's Top 40 Lies about War and Terrorism
Steve Perry, Minneapolis City Pages (in CommonDreams), 30 July 2003
- The Bush Deceit
Peter D. Zimmerman, Washington Post, 14 July 2003
- The Truth Meter
Suzanne Blanchard, PhillyBurbs.com, 7 August 2003
- Impeachable offenses
Belva Ann Prycel, Lincoln County Weekly, 7 July 2003
- Bush team united Iraq front unravels
Michael Moran, MSNBC, 11 July 2003
- U.S. Gave Inaccurate Iraq Picture, Ex-Intel Official
Tabassum Zakaria, Reuters, 9 July 2003
- Bush Misled US Into Iraq War--An Official Finding?
David Corn, The Nation, 26 June 2003
- Expert Said to Tell Legislators He Was Pressed to Distort Some Evidence
James Risen and Douglas Jehl, New York Times, 25 June 2003
- CIA deliberately misled UN arms inspectors, says senator
Rupert Cornwell, Independent UK, 18 June 2003
- Exposed: Blair, Iraq and the great deception
Ben Russell, Independent UK, 18 June 2003
- A mission in Iraq built on a lie
Robert Manne, Sydney Morning Herald, 16 June 2003
- Norwegian Weapons Inspector: US Lied About Iraq's Weapons
Aftenposten (English translation), 19 May 2003
- U.S. Said to Twist Its Data on Iraq
John J. Lumpkin, Associated Press (in Truthout), 8 June 2003
- Arms hunt hurts U.S. credibility
Warren P. Strobel and John Walcott, Detroit Free Press, 3 June 2003
- Spies threaten Blair with 'smoking gun' over Iraq
Kim Sengupta and Andy McSmith, Independent UK, 8 May 2003
- Pentagon report says U.S. lacked evidence for WMDs
Warren P. Strobel, Detroit Free Press, 7 May 2003
- Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits
Walter Pincus and Dana Priest, Washington Post, 5 June 2003
- Hussein Bunker, Bombed at Outset of War, Never Existed
CBS News (in Truthout), 28 May 2003
- Marine commander says intelligence on Iraqi weapons was wrong
Greg Miller, Los Angeles Times (in the Detroit News), 31 May 2003
- WMD Just a Convenient Excuse for War, Admits Wolfowitz
David Usborne, Independent UK (in Truthout), 30 May 2003
- Bush Officials Change Tune on Iraqi Weapons
Alan Elsner, Reuters (in Truthout), 14 May 2003
- Enron-Like Unreality in Bush's Case for War
Harold Meyerson, Washington Post, 13 May 2003
- The War, As Told To Us
Diana Abu-Jaber, Washington Post, 8 May 2003
- Anthrax, chemicals and nerve gas: who is lying?
Andrew Gumbel, Independent UK, 20 April 2003
- The uprising that wasn't, mythical chemical weapons and other items of 'breaking news'
Paul Peachey, Independent UK, 29 March 2003
- Linking Saddam Hussein with Al Qaeda
- No proof found to link Al Qaeda with Hussein
Warren P. Strobel, Jonathan S. Landay and John Walcott, Detroit Free Press, 3 March 2004
- Post-invasion Hussein letter warning of jihadists contradicts US claims of Iraqi - al Qaeda ties
James Risen, San Francisco Chronicle, 14 January 2004
- Powell Admits No Hard Proof in Linking Iraq to Al Qaeda
Christopher Marquis, New York Times (in Truthout), 9 January 2004
- Report: Iraqi Agent Denies Meeting with 9/11 Hijacker
Reuters (in Truthout), 14 December 2003
- DoD Statement on News Reports of Al Qaeda and Iraq Connections
press release, Department of Defense, 15 November 2003
- CIA Finds No Evidence Hussein Sought to Arm Terrorists
Walter Pincus, Washington Post, 16 November 2003
- CIA Still Finds No Evidence Saddam Tried To Arm Terrorists: Report
Agence France-Presse (in Truthout), 17 November 2003
- Defense Dept. memo allegedly proving a link between Al Qaeda and Saddam does nothing of the sort
Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball, Newsweek, 19 November 2003
- Cheney ties Iraq bombings to al-Qaeda
Eric Schmitt, The Age, 12 November 2003
- Iraq, 9/11 Still Linked By Cheney
Dana Priest and Glenn Kessler, Washington Post, 29 September 2003
- Bush Denies Asserting Connection Between Iraq, 9/11
Greg Miller, Los Angeles Times (in the Bremerton Sun), 18 September 2003
- Cheney link of Iraq, 9/11 challenged
Anne E. Kornblut and Bryan Bender, Boston Globe (in The Smirking Chimp), 16 September 2003
- Hussein Link to 9/11, Though Nonexistent, Lingers in Many Minds
Dana Milbank and Claudia Deane, Washington Post, 6 September 2003
- CIA had doubts on Iraq link to al-Qaida
Suzanne Goldenberg, The Guardian, 10 June 2003
- Ambassador Joseph Wilson, the Niger Forgery, and Valerie Plame
- The Serious Implications Of President Bush's Hiring A Personal Outside Counsel For The Valerie Plame Investigation
John W. Dean, FindLaw, 4 June 2004
- Leak Prosecutor Seeks To Question Reporters
Susan Schmidt, Washington Post, 15 May 2004
- Cheney staff accused of role in CIA leak
Mark Memmott, USA Today, 29 April 2004
- Prosecutors Are Said to Have Expanded Inquiry Into Leak of C.I.A. Officer's Name
David Johnston and Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times, 2 April 2004
- Karl Rove admits spreading story of Valerie Plame's CIA role
Murray S. Waas, American Prospect (in Truthout), 8 March 2004
- White House transcript shows early effort to discredit ambassador
Tom Brune, Newsday, 6 March 2004
- Air Force One Phone Records Subpoenaed
Tom Brune, Newsday, 5 March 2004
- Leaks Probe Is Gathering Momentum
Mike Allen and Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 26 December 2003
- Naming of agent 'was aimed at discrediting CIA'
Edward Alden, Financial Times (in Truthout), 25 October 2003
- Senior Federal Prosecutors and F.B.I. Officials Fault Ashcroft Over Leak Inquiry
David Johnston and Eric Lichtblau, New York Times, 16 October 2003
- CIA leak undercuts U.S. spies
Warren P. Strobel, Detroit Free Press, 13 October 2003
- Outing Plame Is More Damaging than All Other American Scandals
Andrew M. Schocket, History News Network, 13 October 2003
- CIA leak undercuts U.S. spies
Warren P. Strobel, Detroit Free Press, 13 October 2003
- Legal Aspects of the Plame Scandal
John W. DeanFindLaw, 10 October 2003
- Bush Aides Will Review Leak Notes Before Turning Them Over to the FBI
David Jackson, Dallas Morning News (in Truthout), 7 October 2003
- John Conyers Calls For Rove's Resignation Over Leak Accusations
letter (in Truthout), 7 October 2003
- Probe Focuses on Month Before Leak to Reporters
Walter Pincus and Mike Allen, Washington Post, 12 October 2003
- Of Lies and Leaks: Bush Threatened By New Revelations
David Corn, The Nation (in Truthout), 4 October 2003
- More vicious than Tricky Dick
John W. Dean, Salon (in Truthout), 3 October 2003
- Leak of Agent's Name Causes Exposure of CIA Front Firm
Walter Pincus and Mike Allen, Washington Post (in Truthout), 4 October 2003
- Poll: 70% want independent probe of leak
Dana Milbank and Mike Allen, Washington Post (in Truthout), 2 October 2003
- Leak of Agent's Name Causes Exposure of CIA Front Firm
Walter Pincus and Mike Allen, Washington Post (in Truthout), 4 October 2003
- Bush Aide Accused of CIA Leak
Julian Borger, The Guardian (in Truthout), 1 October 2003
- Leak Accusation Stirs White House
Greg Miller, Los Angeles Times (in Truthout), 30 September 2003
- Bush Administration Is Focus of Inquiry into Leaking of CIA Agent's Identity
Mike Allen and Dana Priest, Washington Post (in Truthout), 28 September 2003
- Bush Aides Say They'll Cooperate With Probe Into Intelligence Leak
Mike Allen, Washington Post, 29 September 2003
- Bush officials who leaked name of US spy 'for revenge' could face jail
Andrew Buncombe, Independent UK, 29 September 2003
- C.I.A. Seeks Inquiry Into Naming of an Operative
New York Times, 28 September 2003
- White House Probed Over Leak of CIA Undercover Agent's Identity
CBS News, 28 September 2003
- The Niger connection: what we know, what we don't know, and what we may never be told
Andrew Buncombe and Ben Russell, Independent UK, 10 July 2003
- What I Didn't Find in Africa
Joseph C. Wilson 4th, New York Times (in Truthout), 6 July 2003
Lies About Administration Policies
- Caught on film
Bush does photo ops in which he claims to support economic and social programs  then cuts the budget for those programs.
- Words, Actions at Odds on Children's Health Care
Ceci Connolly, Washington Post, 25 September 2004
- How the Bush Administration Used 9-11 to Advance Its Agenda
Prof. Marilyn Young, History News Network, 6 September 2004
- State Dept. underreports worldwide terrorist attacks for political gain
Josh Meyer, Los Angeles Times (in the San Francisco Chronicle), 9 June 2004
- 2006 Cuts In Domestic Spending On Table
Jonathan Weisman, Washington Post, 27 May 2004
- Official Says He Was Told To Withhold Medicare Data
Amy Goldstein, Washington Post, 13 March 2004
- White House Removes Climate Change Data from Report by the E.P.A.
Andrew C. Revkin with Katharine Q. Seelye, New York Times, 19 June 2003
- Budget may require reduced enrollment in AmeriCorp, in spite of Bush promise
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 27 February 2003
- Lies, Damned Lies, and Bush's Tax-Cut Statistics
David E. Rosenbaum, New York Times, 25 February 2003
- GAO Report Contradicts Bush Claim that Environmental Laws Hamper Military
Associated Press (in Truthout), 10 July 2002
- George W's bloody folly
Jonathan Freedland, The Guardian, 26 June 2002
- Interior Dept issues rush rebuttal of Arctic Caribou Study
Michael Grunwald, Washington Post, 7 April 2002
- You’re Shocked W Flip-Flopped on Free Trade?
P.M. Carpenter, History News Network, 11 March 2002
- Democrats: Bush broke prescription promise
CNN, 2 March 2002
- Democrats: Bush's Education Budget Is Less Than Promised
Robert Pear, New York Times, 13 February 2002
- Bush quotes Dorothy Day to support his plans that she would have opposed
Joan Walsh, Salon, 22 May 2001
- Letter from Dorothy Day's daughter and granddaughter, condemning Bush's distortion of her message and mission
- Read My Lips II: Shorting the Military
Robert Kagan, Washington Post, 7 February 2001
Worldwide terrorism-related deaths on the rise Robert Rivas and Robert Windrem, MSNBC, 2 September 2004
Lies from the BushCheney04 Campaign
- Lies, Damned Lies, and Convention Speeches
Fred Kaplan, Slate, 2 September 2004
- GOP Prism Distorts Some Kerry Positions
Glenn Kessler and Dan Morgan, Washington Post, 3 September 2004
- Bush's dubious terror alerts
Bill Berkowitz, Working for Change, 19 August 2004
- Bush praises American Indian housing program but plans deep cuts
Associated Press (in the Billings Gazette, 13 August 2004
- July Surprise
John B. Judis, Spencer Ackerman & Massoud Ansari, New Republic (in Truthout), 8 July 2004
- Bush Campaign Rhetoric Makes Hay Out of Straw Men
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 1 June 2004
- White House Is Trumpeting Programs It Tried to Cut
Robert Pear, New York Times, 19 May 2004
- If Bush wants to compare flip-flops with Kerryâ€â€ÂBring it on!
Mick Youther, Intervention, 25 March 2004
- President Bush applies the Powell Doctrine to running for re-election
Michael Kinsley, Slate, 23 March 2004
- Bush Campaign Photo-Op Crowd Didn't Speak English
Paul Vitello, Newsday (in Truthout), 12 March 2004
- Bush Misrepresents Kerry's Record on Intelligence Budget
Walter Pincus and Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 12 March 2004