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Record of news reporters' biased & inaccurate reporting (lies)

Media Matters for America


Here is an archive on our favorite news bringers:

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FOX Broadcasting Company

WSJ misstated Supreme Court record on abortion

Relying on one Republican, Wash. Post falsely declared that "key members of the group" that reached filibuster deal say it forbids filibusters based on nominee's ideology

MSNBC anchor Robach implied Bush protesters unpatriotic

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Another CNN anchor pushed loaded conservative term "Borked"

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Post's Allen employed Republican rhetoric about Democratic obstructionism

Conservatives falsify record on Ruth Bader Ginsburg

CNN wheels out Bork, unchallenged, to discuss "Borking"

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GOP lawyer Ginsberg condemns attack politics -- except when his own clients lead the charge

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"Media Matters," week ending July 1, 2005; by Jamison Foser

CNN's "Strategy Session" featured endorsement of Scalia for chief justice -- from the "liberal" panelist

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David Brock to Fox: Drop Gray as Supreme Court analyst

Fox's "Supreme Court Analyst" C. Boyden Gray is also founder of group pressuring Senate to confirm Bush nominees

Initial coverage of O'Connor retirement on CNN & Fox News offered no commentary from Democrats

Novak stonewalls press corps as Times reporter faces jail

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O'Reilly falsely claimed that interrogator told him harsh questioning of detainees had saved "thousands of lives"

CNN's Blitzer left out key fact in discussing Bush Iraq speech

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Citing meaningless Gallup poll, O'Reilly deceptively claimed that 74 percent of Americans liked Bush's speech

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Wash. Post reporters gave administration source anonymity to "more freely" spout Bush talking points

On the pages of Wesley Pruden's Washington Times, the South rises again

Letter from David Brock to Nebraska Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel

Why does the L.A. Times continue publishing AEI's John Lott?

Media Matters asks for results of CPB polling and studies on bias in public broadcasting

Bozell, Thomas repeated spin that Rove slandered liberals, not Democrats

Matthews' panel problem: Conservatives saturated MSNBC's coverage of presidential address

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Fox "Supreme Court Analyst" declares it's "our job" to make sure Bush nominee isn't "vilified by the left"

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Noonan attacked Clintons for appearing at Graham revival

TBN host Lindsey accused Democrats of helping Islamic terrorists

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Limbaugh claimed that "liberals seek the defeat of the military"

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The Situation's Jay Severin called Sen. Clinton "the devil"

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August 4, 2005 -  Did the U.S. Lose Vietnam? Has Bill Lost His Mind?
Hearing Bill O’Reilly and Ann Coulter debate over Iraq is like listening to two medieval doctors
argue about which is better, leeching patients or boring holes in their skulls to let the demons

Bill had Coulter on to debate with him about how the U.S. is faring in Iraq. Ann thinks the war is
going swimmingly. Bill, citing two FOX News military analysts he’d had on his show the night
before, wasn’t so sure.

COULTER:  If things have been going worse why isn’t the elite Republican Guard massing
outside Manhattan right now?

O’REILLY:  Well, because we’re not in any danger of losing the war there, that’s not the
danger. We’re not going to lose as long as we’re there and as long as we’re in South
Vietnam we weren’t going to lose. That’s the biggest myth in the world that the USA …

COULTER:  We did lose.

O’REILLY:  Ã¢â‚¬Â¦ lost the war. We didn’t lose the war.

COULTER:  Yeah, we kind of did. I think we did lose that one.

O’REILLY:  I don’t. I disagree with you. But that’s a debate for another day.

COULTER:  They’re living under communism, Bill.

Leave it to Bill to make Ann Coulter look sane.

Of course, while they disagreed on whether we actually lost in Vietnam, Ann and Bill both
seemed to agree the blame for our failure to fully win goes to a lack of political will. To hear
Coulter tell it, this came in the form of constant carping from the likes of Walter Cronkite.
Both should look up The Pentagon Papers or rent Errol Morris’ The Fog of War if they really
think all we needed to do to win in Vietnam is stay longer. Whether any of that applies to the
war in Iraq is another question entirely, but we’re unlikely to resolve it with these two loons
cluttering our cable channels.



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