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Border Patrol union supports Minutemen
Mexican president tells U.S. to control extremists
BBC: Lab may have created a black hole
ABC: US military denies troops killed Iraqi general
ABC: Police- Iraqi General Shot Dead By US Troops
NS: 13 things that do not make sense
FBI & US Navy Outraged by Gitmo 'unlawful' Abuse
USAToday: Oil, Trade Gap at All Time Highs
CNN: Report- Obesity will reverse life expectancy gains
BBC: Secret US plans for Iraq's oil
Italy To PullTroops From Iraq
Number of trained Iraqis inflated by U.S., GAO says
Mental Illness Screening Plan A Boon For Drug Makers
UPI: Congress & President Bush think that children have "mental health" problems
ChristianScienceMonitor: Neocon quiz
BusinessWeek: Karen Hughes appointed to ambassador, 'to change Muslim minds about U.S. policies'
Haaretz: U.S. says Israel breaking its peace agreement promises on settlements, again
AP: Democrats Warn on GOP Rule Change 'unprecedented abuse of power'
AP: White House Defends Video News Releases, GAO says 'covert propaganda'
WP: Battle on Teaching Evolution Worsens
Gitmo prisoners win transfer reprieve
FPI: Photographer for White House child sex ring arrested
Reuters: U.S. 'Hallucinating' Over Nuclear Talks, Iran Says
AFP: Iraqi Civilian Deaths 'Seriously Underestimated'
NY Times: Bush White House News Forgeries 'Widespread'
Gitmo prisoners to be moved outside jurisdiction of American courts
AP: Orlando Mayor Surrenders in Ballot Probe
International law starts to bring Washington back into the fold
Newsmax: Greenspan - Budget Deficits Pose Big Threat
GOP head gets 7 month prison sentence
O'Reilly: "There isn't one conservative commentator on CNN"; Robert Novak disagrees
Senate passes brutal bankruptcy bill, 74-25
Republicans Plan Massive Cuts to Taxes & Social Spending for 2006
Reuters: US Infrastructure Deteriorating, Report Finds, gets a 'D'
NS: Laughing appears to be almost as beneficial as a workout
Pro-Syrian Lebanese PM set to return
NS: UN abandons legal ban on human cloning
AP: Did Sub Sonar Kill Dolphins?
NS: Charge a battery in just six minutes, lasts 10x longer
NS: Four million-year-old human ancestor unearthed
Arnold's aides admit to fake news stories
Reuters: Pilots Group Grades U.S. Aviation Security an 'F'
SpaceDaily: Japanese Hospitality Robots Debut at Expo
Reuters: Taxes May Only Cover Interest on National Debt
AP: China Authorizes Attack on Taiwan; Warns U.S.
Reuters: Italy Rejects U.S. Version of Iraq Shooting
Reuters: Syria Vows Swift Lebanon Pullout in 'Historic' Move
London's Mayor - It's About Israel Not Anti-Semitism
AFP: US under pressure to explain Italian convoy shooting in Iraq
AFP: Iran warns US, European pressure on nuclear could prompt oil crisis
Reuters: U.S. Forces Fire at Freed Reporter in Iraq
Reuters: Bush Warns on Social Security, Shifts Tactics
Fox - O'Reilly: ACLU a 'terrorist group'
Reuters: Republicans Want Decency Standards Extended to Cable TV
Nasdaq: Bush says gov't spending trust fund
OPEC: Oil prices may reach a barrel soon
Newsmax: Russia hid Iraq WMDs
BBC: Rays to nab nuclear smugglers
NewScientist: Radio signal from space puzzles astronomers
26 Dems sponsor Gannon inquiry bid
INN: 62% Israelis Know Sharon Corrupt