Archived News

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Archived News

U.S. 'may allow' North Korea nuclear power

Fla. Abortion Activist Jailed in Molestation

CoinGate: Republican Ohio governor ignores supreme court's order

CoinGate: Ex-Aide to Ohio Gov. Pleads No Contest in scandal

To Pass Bush’s Energy Bill EPA Holds Back Annual Fuel Efficiency Report

House Passes Energy Bill Earmarking Billions For Corporate Breaks

Tom DeLay quietly slipped into bill $1.5 billion for oil companies

GOP's Senator Coleman Says Bush's Stem Cell Position 'Is Not Pro-Science'

Italian Authorities Obtain Warrants For 19 High-Living CIA Agents

Exxon Reaps Record 32% Increase in Profit Earnings From Soaring Gas Prices

Republican Senate leader Frist snubs Bush, supports funding stem cell research

State Dept lied about UN nominee Bolton

U.S. unveils 'new' climate pact, only reiterates current weakened standards

Republican Official Publicly Commits Suicide Over Scandals & Federal Charges

Supreme court nominee Roberts tries to hide Federalist neocon ties, 'doesn't remember' membership

Modified genes from GM crops created superweed: herbicides won't kill them

One-third of US unions split, weakens unions' position, worst since 1930s

Poll: Americans Say World War III Likely

Ice mission CryoSat set to launch to monitor world's ice sheets

Poll: U.S. sees Iraq war increasing terror

CoinGate: Ohio Attorney General: Republican fundraiser stole millions from state in 'Coingate' scandal

Syria says U.S. opened fire on troops

Oil industry flush with cash as prices soar 'an embarrassment of riches'

GOP candidate wants Bush impeached

Physics discovery: Realistic Time Machine Possible?

Old News: Rumsfeld resigns twice for mishandling Iraq war

26 Years of Princeton Studies: Proof Mind Can Affect Machines - Psychokinesis

Canada formally legalizes gay marriage

Unocal rejects higher Chinese bid

PlameGate: Justice Dept. Opposes Shield Law for Reporters

PlameGate: Ex-CIA agents write Congress on leak

Chinese economy grows 9.5 percent

Al-Qaeda gives European states month to quit Iraq

Russia says UK must curb liberties to beat bombers

GOP admits Roberts judge pick to distract media from Rove

Saudi Arabia's U.S. ambassador resigns

Bizarre weather signals threat of monster typhoons

Bush bribes India with nuke support to block oil/gas deal with Iran

HP set to axe 14,500 jobs worldwide

BBC: Iraq already in civil war

Abortions at lowest rate since 1976

Bush promises nuclear aid to India

Pentagon Misses Deadline for Required Iraq Report

MinuteMen: Anti-immigrant Vigilante Groups Spreading

Military Admits Gitmo Abuse, Lets Commander Skate

Bush Gov’t Scientists Caught with Hands in Drug Firms Cookie Jar

PlameGate: Bush - Leakers OK unless break law

Sen. Rick Santorum (R) claims pedophilia is 'consensual'?

Republicans, by 7-to-1 margin, say that military attacks are appropriate response to London bombings

War spurred most suicide bombers

FCC Delays Work on Media Ownership Rules

Court: FEC Opened Loopholes in New Campaign Finance Law

PlameGate: Cheney's chief of staff another source for CIA leak

GOP makes 46,000 phoney complaints to Comcast, gets emails deleted containing Downing info!

Canadian arctic temp hit 98 degrees

Children of gay catholic couples can't be baptised

Ohio vote official 'accepted bribe'

PlameGate: Legal Analysis: Karl Rove Is In Serious Trouble

Israeli-Palestinian truce unravels in Gaza Strip

U.S. freezes assets of Saudi opposition, election tampering?

Comcast deletes all of their customers' emails containing Downing info!

Enron directors vote in raises

Outrage over Gitmo 'dog tricks'

Ten Iraq bombings Friday

Economist at Federal Reserve says U.S. unemployment figures deceive


Gold Mine Waste to Be Dumped in Alaskan Lake

Creationism: A battle for science's soul

Chat on cellphones while driving four times more likely to crash, includes hands-free devices

Army Guard missed recruiting goal again, as it has for 17 of last 18 months

Weird, wild weather a new norm

European Union ban on vitamins upheld!

CNN Poll: 93% Do not want US to pay for Israel Gaza pullout

Blair Rejects Call for Independent Inquiry Into Bombings

Israel asks U.S. for billion for Gaza pullout

North Korea Says It Doesn't Need Nuclear Weapons if Not Threatened by U.S.

Former Iraq PM says civil war nears

U.S. general: We've 'mostly eliminated' rebel threat in Baghdad

Leaked memo alleges that U.S., Britain plan to halve troops in mid-2006

CNN: Experts Discuss Possibilty Of UFOs

Italy to Start Iraq Troop Pullout in Fall

The American hand in Iran

Bush Is Serving Up the Cold War Warmed Over

'Terror will not cease until U.S. withdraws'

Israeli Settlers On Rampage AsTroops Begin Gaza Evacuation

Revealed: grim world of new Iraqi torture camps

55 nation group: U.S. should close Guantanamo prison

Al-Qaeda Claims Responsibilty for London attacks

Al Qaeda says kills Egypt envoy in Iraq

Oil traders fear; supply concerns

CoinGate: Ohio Governor sued over 'Coingate' scandal

Backstory: U.S. lost billion of Iraqi funds, no investigation

Pope dubs UK attack 'anti-Christian'

Iraqi president calls for national unity as violence continues

Iraq signs military pact with Iran

Energy Co. Paid for DeLay Meeting

Israel warned of attack

London attacks claimed by al-Qaeda, warns Italy & Denmark

Ex-GOP official named public broadcasting president

PlameGate: Pass shield law for press

US mulls blocking China's Unocal bid

Bush Admits Global Warming is Real - Finally

Ohio GOP scandal list

Gitmo US interrogator admits torture used regularly

FBI finds Gitmo torture common

GOP Lawmakers Praise Gitmo

Brain scans show hypnosis helps to focus the mind

Ethanol And Biodiesel From Crops Not Worth The Energy?

Study: Hypnotism aids allergy sufferers

Ultra-Lifelike Robot Debuts in Japan

PlameGate: NYT journalist jailed for contempt

Prosecutors get some Rush Limbaugh medical records - poss 3rd degree felony

Army gives billion to Halliburton

Israel wants U.S. to pay for Gaza pullout

OH Barred from Replacing Recount Whistleblower

Drug makers gave to 1,300 lobbyists last year

Climate scientists fear fudge at G8 meeting

Bush administration altered scientific report on impact of cattle grazing

PlameGate: Democrats' letter to Bush: Rove must explain role in CIA outing or resign

Gallup: Only 1 in 3 Think the U.S. Is Winning War on Terror

Congressman Cunningham (R) in 2nd bribe scandal, from boat sale

Pediatricians Decry Bush Abstinence-Only Education

Arson at Fla. abortion clinic

Iraq: Pakistan envoy withdrawn

Iraq: Russian envoy fired on

Iraq: Bahrain envoy attacked

Two More Foreign Envoys Ambushed in Iraq

Al Qaeda says it kidnapped Egyptian ambassador to Iraq

Labor Department Blocked Critical CAFTA Findings Before Vote

Fisheries Service Scientists Say Findings Regularly Altered

Panel finds holes in NASA's shuttle improvements

Marine crisis looms over acidifying oceans

Iraq: billion lost oil revenue since war began

Church of Christ moves for same-sex marriage

Tom DeLay (R) slams court's eminent domain decision

Record Settlement Reached with Miami Archdioces in child rape case

Canada's Ambassador Declares War on Fox News

FBI, IRS, & DCIS Raids Homes, Yacht Of Contractor & Congressman (R) Over Bribe Scam

50 false news stories created and leaked by White House

US Senate votes to revive US nuclear weapon program

American press behaving like Pravda

Conservative Groups Rally Against Gonzales as Justice

PlameGate: Rove confirms he talked to Time reporter for the CIA outing article, denies telling any secrets

Media lax as feds go on free press attack

PlameGate: Did Karl Rove leak the CIA spy?

Bill Clinton proposes Social Security fix

Amongst major Ohio GOP scandals, Ohio Democratic Party Headquarters burglarized, computers stolen, 2nd time in a year

GOP Gov Arnold slams Bush position on climate change

Study: People More Ambivalent Than Pro or Con About Gay Rights

Baby Bottles are Dangerous for Boys, estrogen-like feminizing effects

Fox 'Court analyst' pushing for Bush nominees

Senior U.S. Military official confirms detainee abuse by Iraqi security forces

Army says their desertion numbers were wrong

Army desertion rate doubles

Senate panel accuses lobbyist with DeLay ties of fraud

Docs: Gitmo guards illegally seek revenge on defiant inmates

Israeli troops storm Gaza hotel, arrest Jewish militants

IDF declares Gaza Strip a closed military zone

Iraq: 8,000 killed in last six months

Poll: 42% would seek impeachment if proven Bush lied to start Iraq war

Children detained in U.S. prison camps illegally, as young as 8

Rumsfeld changed Iraq rules of engagement in 2002 to step up prewar bombings (21,736 sorties)

52 House members file FOIA request seeking documents related to Downing Street minutes

Reporter shot to death in Iraq

Dems win battle for vets health care funds

Senate Narrowly Endorses CAFTA free trade

CIA bungle abduction of Cleric in Italy

Bush to seize 'WMD' assets in Korea, Iran, Syria

Canada to ban drug exports to US

GOP congressman: Saddam linked to 9/11, says 'evidence is clear'

Senators want Bush climate doc edited by oilman nixed & GAO investigation

Iraq: A bloody mess

UN investigates detainee conditions, US blocks for 1+ yrs

Canada Lawmakers OK Gay Marriage Bill


600 tons dropped pre-war

Dem Senate leader Reid suggests four GOP senators for Supreme Court vacancy

Audit questions $1.4b in Halliburton bills

DNC Releases Long-Awaited 2004 Ohio Election Report

Full Report: Democracy At Risk: The 2004 Election in Ohio

Nuclear inspectors back in Iran

Baptist Church to picket military funeral for 'fag' soldier

Court empowers city to seize & bulldoze homes for shopping malls

Court: Some Ten Commandments Displays OK

Senators ask for Gitmo treatment rules

APA Statement on Psychiatric Practices at Guantanamo Bay

New Data Confirms Strong Earthquake Risk to Memphis



21,736 sorties flown in months before Iraq war declared

Obesity costs soar tenfold to .5 billion in US

Iraqi Prime Minister says Iraq can be made safe in two years

Rumsfeld suggests twelve years in Iraq

What Rumsfeld used to say about Iraq

Weapons In Space, a new era is dawning

Do the inner workings of nature change with time?

Simulated oil meltdown shows U.S. vulnerable

Breakthrough discovery finds adult stem cells can multiply like embryonic stem cells

NASA: Ice striking the shuttle's heat shield possible & is an acceptable risk

Seismic activity in country's center sparks debate, trouble for Memphis

Sen. Durbin (D) Apologizes for Gitmo Nazi Remarks

16 senators call for ouster of public broadcasting chief

Bush Backs Soc. Sec. Bill Without Private Accounts

Jail: Adelphia founder gets 15 years

Tyco's Ex-Chief and Top Aide Are Convicted of Grand Larceny

Hypocrisy: GOP often invokes Nazism often

Doc: Brits knew Iraq air raids illegal

30% of Iraqi lawmakers demand U.S. pullout

UK official: WMD claims were 'totally implausible'

Bill would force mentally ill to take their meds

War now up to 409 billion

GAO investigates White House contracts with media

Oil companies reap benefits as oil prices exceed

Allies resist CIA over 'renditions' program of suspect deportation

Senior Bush official says insurgents will increase attacks

GOP senator: Bush 'not in reality'

White House hand seen in public broadcasting

Bush team doctors grazing study

US lied to Britain over use of napalm in Iraq war

Grand jury subpoenas congressman's (R) real estate bribe scam

Republicans introduce bill to cut UN funding if unable to reform

White House Aide who doctored global warming reports joins Exxon

Poll: '94 percent' say Bush misled into Iraq war

Jeb Bush seeks probe of Schiavo 911 call

Halliburton to build new mln Guantanamo jail

U.S. Pressure Weakens G-8 Climate Plan

White House Plans Iraq PR Pitch

GM warns union of forced health cuts

EPA: 24 pesticide tests on humans

White House mocks Downing memo

Congressman (R) sued for assault, battery

Read 'Downing docs'

Newsweek: New 'Pentagon papers?'

Reps. seeking Downing Street inquiry rises to 122 - petition up to 553,996 signatures

DeLay legal fund grows:

Judiciary GOP pulls the plug on Democrats' forums

Taliban Chief: Bin Laden Alive and Well

Resolution Introduced to Rebuke Sensebrenner for Patriot Act Hearing Behavior

Dems seek 'Downing Street' roadmap

U.S. to probe tobacco settlement cutbacks

Professor analyzes new UK documents

Pakistan's President Musharraf admits Osama bin Laden in Pak mountains

NBC confirms 8 British Iraq memos now

Wisconsin Democrats pass resolution for Congress to initiate impeachment proceedings

Poll: 60% Want Troops to Leave Iraq

Schwarzenegger attempts to bypass legislature

Astronomers Discover Most Earth-like Extrasolar Planet Yet

Doc: The Iraq options paper

Doc: After axis of evil, British foreign secretary says Iraq case weak

Doc: Condi committed to regime change in 2002

Doc: The 'need to wrongfoot' Saddam on inspectors

UK environment sec. hammers Bush

Downing street memo hearings set

Congressman Cunningham (R) uses real estate in bribe scandal

Bush team said split over closing Guantanamo

Toronto, Quebec see 'heat emergencies'

Senior Democrat says draft possibility

Military action won't end insurgency, growing number of U.S. officers believe

Britain's top court accused the British and US of Creating Terror Fears


‘Minutemen’ gear up for mainstream movement

G8 reaches deal for world's poor

IL pharmacist sues, refusing to sell contraceptive


Whistleblower Reveals White House Manipulation of Science

Top Officials’ Names Censored from Report on Lawbreaking

Citigroup to pay bln in Enron lawsuit

USDA finds possible 2nd case of mad cow disease

Molecules as transistors, postage stamp sized computers possible

Ibuprofen link to heart attacks

Washington more open to lobbyists than usual

Bush fundraisers get Ambassador posts

Dems will filibuster Bolton unless White House hands over papers

Senator, Congressman call for probe in charge White House doctored climate change reports

PBS adds biased shows for balance

Jewish Settlers Seek Asylum from Palestine

Israeli Illegal Settlers Received Millions In Grants

Texas governor suggests gay veterans should leave state

Head of House inquiry into DeLay tied to lobbyist

Hearings on Downing memo & new documents corroborate

Kennedy 1st to speak out on Downing Street Memo

Bush Open to Possibly Closing Gitmo Camp

G8 summit: Global warming is a 'clear and increasing threat'

White House edited global warming documents

Oklahoma zoo votes to approve creationist display

Secret docs: Bush thanked Exxon for help killing Kyoto treaty

5 weeks later president finally responds to memo, despite evidence denies

Ohio covers-up lost million

Abramoff Indian gaming scandal now includes the president

Blair opposes Bush on global warming

GM to cut 25,000 jobs by '08, huge healthcare savings

Supreme court ignores facts, rules against med Marijuana

GM to unleash slew of new vehicles

Kerry To Ask About Downing St Memo

Multiple investigations of Ohio Bush fundraising scandals

TX billionaires investigated in tax scheme, million in taxes not paid

Florida test shows e-vote fraud possible

CIA director banned from National Security Council meetings

Judge orders Bush administration to release 144 new photos of Abu Ghraib torture

Hurricane Season & the Global Warming Debate

125 Large Northern Lakes Disappear

SEC Chairman Stepping Down

Arthur Andersen cleared of Enron scandal, destroyed documents

Israel to demolish 88 Arab homes

Fox: Downing Street Memo Mostly Ignored in U.S.

May: U.S. loses 77 soldiers in Iraq

Study: Ibruprofen, aspirin cancer link

Nader mulls Bush impeachment

Rep. Rangel (D) resurrects bill to bring back the draft

Pope endorses fertility clinic restrictions

Bush says U.S. more secure

Experts: Petroleum May Be Nearing Peak

11 steps to a better brain

Plastic goods contain 'Gender-bending' chemicals found to 'feminise' boys

After latest revelations, Rep. Conyers authors letter to Rumsfeld on Iraq war plan, demands files

Congressman seeks 100,000 to sign letter to Bush on Iraq


Citizen groups seek inquiry into if Bush acted illegally for Iraq war

600 dead in first month of Iraq gov't

in Iraq oil went missing in 2004

Rats Fed GM Corn Developed Abnormalities In Blood & Kidneys

Dems To Hold Media Bias Forum

Among those scheduled to testify are Air America Radio host Al Franken, Randi Rhodes, Media Matters chief David Brock, AmericaBLOG's John Aravosis, a Washington bureau BBC reporter, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting's Steve Rendell and Mark Lloyd, from the progressive think tank Center for American Progress. Wonkette's Ana Marie Cox has also been invited.
The panel will be hosted by ranking House Judiciary Committee Democrat Rep. John Conyers, Jr (D-MI).
Rep. Conyers has a fantastic diary on Daily Kos, where he blogs regularly.

A GOP Plan to 'Fix' (neuter) the Democrats

Analysts expect massive HP layoffs

Red states gain, blues lose in Pentagon plan

NSC believed the Iraq nuclear case was weak

Newsweek article was accurate, retracted due to White House pressure

US Interrogations Faked at Guantanamo for Authorities' Inspections

US staged mock executions in Iraq as interrogation technique

Google Maps photos UFO

Congress ignorant & silent about lost 8.8 billion dollars in Iraq

Tom Ridge: Forced to raise alerts on 'flimsy' evidence

Israel Buried 80 TONS Of Nuclear Waste In Palestine

Republican Party dropping term GOP - Grand Old Party

Gay Men Respond Like Women to Men's Pheromones

Study of US House of Representatives reveals partisanship, stacked committees, contradicting US Code

Cancer-reversing drug leaves doctors stunned

Corporate America Pulling Back Pension Safety Net

Iraq attacks rise to 70 per day

'Trigger-happy' US troops laugh when British explain rules of engagement, warned US making war worse/longer

PBS's Moyers slams 'radical right' reporters

Personal Nuclear Power: New Battery Lasts 12 Years

Intelligence For Iraq War Was 'Fixed Around the Policy'

Iraq's Just Great: 67 suicide bombers in April

CNN picks up story on letter from 88 reps about secret Iraq deal

Off-shoring and anemic job creation have allowed companies to hold down wages, even as corporate profits rise

Largest Default on Pensions in US History, Other Airlines may Follow

Real wages fall at fastest rate in 14 yrs

Another Conservative Congressman (R) Caught in Delay Ethics Scandal

EPA Puts Lead Paint Rules on Hold

Conservative Republican Mayor and Public Homophobe Takes Leave of Absence Amid New Allegations of Molestation

Long Predicted: Gulf Stream Ocean Current Slows

States Propose Huge Medicaid Cuts

US Appointed Iraqi Officials Flee Ahead of Investigations

GM, Toyota in talks for hybrid partnership

Search for planets could soon seek one like Earth

Nine Excommunicated from Baptist Church for being Democrats

Classified Memo: Bush made intelligence fit Iraq

Drug slashes deaths in heart patients 80%

MIT Sets Up Time Traveler Experiment

Republicans in Kansas Challenge Evolution


IBM set to axe 15,000 jobs worldwide

S&P cuts Ford, GM ratings to junk

California gets own 'minutemen'

House GOP kill 'covert propaganda' ban

Currently 40,003 voting incidents recorded

Case Against Computerized Voting Broadens, 'Software flaws stunning'

U.S. holds 9 journalists without charges

U.S. loses in Iraq, investigators begin inquiry into embezzlement

Secrecy, Propaganda Seen Sweeping U.S.

US May Allow Pre-emptive Nuke Strikes Over WMD

Ethanol Grows As Gas Alternative

Pentagon Analyst Arrested - Spy For Israel

Half of all drug arrests in recent years were for marijuana offenses

Most say Iraq war not worthwhile

Zero-emission power stations that burn coal or gas

NASA: Scientists Confirm Global Warming

Italy rules out intentional U.S. killing of agent, says itchy trigger fingers & poor communication

Iraqi press attacked by authorities in Iraq

CDC changes Obesity death rate from 400,000 to 26,000

Iraq Expects Foreign Troops to Pull Out Mid-2006

Canada & EU raise tariffs on U.S. exports

U.S. plans to begin Iraq pullout in December

U.S. National Debt at .8 trillion, grows billion a day

Kerr-McGee profits more than double, up 133%

BP profit up 29%, all time high

Shell profit up 42%, all time high

Exxon - Record Earnings, Up 44%

Unocal Net Income Soars 69% On Oil Prices

Court denies Limbaugh's appeal, jail very possible

Durable Good Orders Plunge in March

Dell to Expand Its India Outsourcing

House Will Draft Soc. Sec. Bill by June

Arnold Calls Minutemen 'Terrific' - CA Latinos Outraged

Obesity & Overweight Increases Dementia Risk In Old Age, 200% Increase For Women

Worldwide cancer rates 'double'

Nuclear fusion finally achieved

U.S. faked Gitmo interrogations for visitors

Blair's 'Gross Deception' On Iraq War Revealed

Terrified US soldiers are still killing civilians with impunity, while the dead go uncounted

40,000 Israelis Protest Settlers Pullout

Republicans rewrite Congressional amendments to make Democrats appear to be supporting child predators

Italy Opens It's Own Probe of Hostage Rescuer Shooting

Insurgent Attacks Now Average 400 A Week

Bush Has Some Wacky, Some Innovative Energy Proposals

Self-hypnosis may help hay fever sufferers

Antarctic Peninsula Glaciers In Widespread Melting

Some Bacteria is Very Good For You

Drug adverts have 'profound effect' on prescribing

Italians Slam US Report On Iraq Shooting

Most Americans Oppose Ending Filibuster

Inspector finds no Iraq WMDs, Syria links

Syria pulls out of Lebanon after 29 yrs

Florida enacts 'force with force' law

Half of U.S. thinks Bush lied on WMDs

Global terror attacks tripled in 2004

Dairy Industry Claims Weight Loss, Group Challenges

Food Industry Starts Ad Blitz: Obesity Risks are Hype

AP: Bush's tax panel to cut right-offs

AP: Israeli Settlers Poison Palestinians' Livestock, No Investigation

UPI: ExxonMobil spent million to fund some 40 global warming debunkers

UPI: Teachers want to teach 'intelligent design'

Soldiers' Deaths Not Counted if They Die After Being Evacuated From Iraq

Bush & lobbyists create 'Sunset Commission' to end any agency or program

U.S. Prison Population Soars in 2003 & 2004

Common Algae Toxin Found In Brains Of Dead Alzheimer's Victims, May Be From Tap Water

Rice Doctored Terrorism Report

Bush's War on the Press

BBC: Pope condemns Spain for gay bill

AP Cameraman Killed, another wounded by Gunfire in Iraq

Pope illegally obstructed sex abuse inquiry

Time: Bush Administration illegally punishes Democrat tech companies

Nature: Antarctic glaciers in mass retreat

New PBS chief aims to make channel more conservative

Woes grow for war-weary Halliburton

Cheney vows to end 200+ years of balance in House

Republicans plead to evangelicals on Justice Sunday TV show to dismantle courts & more

AP: White House to Force Doctors to Keep Aborted Fetus Alive

Video shows police handcuff 5-year-old girl!

AP: Chairman of Voting Reform Panel Resigns

Reuters: Airport Screeners Show No Improvement: Lawmaker

The end of oil is closer than you think

Powell Warns Against Bolton

House Approves Billion in Tax Breaks for Energy Industry

Declassified Intel Documents: Bush claims of Iraq-al Qaeda Relationship were false

Beyond Belief - Bush May Ease 'Downer Cattle' Ban

Canada Approves Cannabis Spray For MS

Chili peppers & broccoli prevent cancer

Which Plastics Are Safe?

US March Construction of New Houses Plunge 17.6%

Reuters: Greenspan Warns Deficits Endanger Economy

US blocking abortion pills

Bush brother founded group with Pope

AP: Teachers, schools sue Bush over funds

Border Patrol union supports Minutemen

94 Studies show chemical in plastic is dangerous

2 nations never received deadly flu kits: WHO

UPI: Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn, Tortured & Killed Cats

House Passes Bankruptcy Bill, Credit Companies Benefit During Record Profit Era

BBC: America's rich rise against tax, burden shifts

Election reform panel heavy with GOP hands; Carter denies role

WP: Vatican gives up on relations with Islam

AP: Senate Votes to Ban Video Fake News Releases

NYPD caught doctoring video evidence of RNC demonstrators' arrests

AP: NYC to Pay to RNC Demonstrators Kept in Detention After Judge Ordered Release

Dems Launch Tom Delay Scandal Website!

BBC: UN Condemns Israeli Settlements

Anti-birth control pharmacist fined

AP: House Republicans Protest Medicaid Cuts

Reuters: EU May Curb Cheap Imports From China

Reuters: Israeli Army Told to Plan for Disarming Settlers

Antibacterial Soaps Forms Chloroform - Causes Cancer

Vitamin C - New Uses & May Be A Life-Saver

Survey: Let's Charge a Toll at Mexican Border

Sharon says 'Civil War' - violent summer ahead

Kansas mayor comes out too

Minnesota senator comes out, endorses 'outing' gay politicians

Mexican army escorts illegals across border including drug-runners

Another Tax Cut for Top 2% - House Votes to End Estate Taxes

AP: Jewish Settlers Ready for Resistance

Reuters: Lawmakers Hire Spouses, Children Regularly

Reuters: Abbas Disputes in Detail the Accusations by Sharon at Bush Talks

NS: Gene project will map humans' global spread

Israel presents aerial photos of Iran nuclear sites to Bush

WP: Deadly Flu Strain Shipped Worldwide to 4000 Labs, 18 Countries

Richter Scale-like Asteroid Threat Scale Revised

69% Job Seekers Lack Basic Employability Skills

Bank says Saudi's top field in decline

CBS: Italian Journalist: U.S. Lied

AP: Sharon Dismisses Bush on Settlement Growth

ABC: 10 States to Sue EPA Over Mercury Rules

Clouds May Harbor Nanobacteria - painful and sometimes deadly diseases

S. S. marketing: 60 days, 23 officials, 35 states, 123 events, + mil = Propaganda?

Sharon Casts Aside 'Road Map'

USA Today: When pharmacists refuse birth control

UPI: EU vitamin ban declared illegal

BBC: Cure for cancers 'in five years'

AP: Interior Department Stands On Its Lies, Falsified Nuclear Waste Data

BBC: Cannabis Chemical 'Helps Heart'

CDC to Army: Drop Plan to Dump Nerve Gas Waste in Delaware River

Smoking has a "devastating impact" on the chance of a successful live birth

FT: Israel Ignores US Reproach Over Settlement Expansion

Bush 'Causing Chaos In Arab World'

Minutemen Cut Illegal Border Crossings By Half

Nature: Black holes 'do not exist'

NS: 'Gene-editing' technique cuts out diseased DNA

L.A. Tsunami To Cause Massive Damage From Underwater Landslides

U.S. Intelligence 'Dead Wrong' on Iraq-Report

Democrats Craft Their Own Social Security Plan

US admits killing Arab journalists in Iraq

1,360 scientists from 95 countries: Two-thirds of world's resources 'used up'

AP: 62 Diplomats Opposed to Bolton UN Nomination

AP: State Rep. Habay (R) charged, faces 20 counts in anthrax hoax

US urges Israel to stop settlement expansion

Jimmy Carter to Chair Election Reform Commission

Diesel Hybrids On The Fast Track

ABC: Ukraine to Withdraw Troops From Iraq

Research On Twins Supports 'God Gene'

Israel Gives Go-Ahead To 3,500 West Bank Homes

23 House Dems demand voting firms ensure paper trail

BBC: Blair was told US fixed case for Iraq war

GOP Senator: I don't think Bush can use the word "mandate."

Israel set to return security of second Palestinian town

Newsmax: Republican Ex-Gov Rowland gets year in prison

CNN: Bush does 'end-run' around senate, appoints controversial judge

US Lied To Allies About Nuclear Export From N Korea

BBC: Israel Will Expand West Bank Settlements

Reuters: Israel agrees to hand over West Bank city

CIA Chief: ‘We Do Not Do Torture’

U.S.-Imposed Iraqi Transitional Law Undemocratic, say Critics

Iraq as the World’s Biggest Cash Cow

BBC: Secret U.S. Plans for Iraqi Oil

Senate Rejects Medicaid Cuts

Wal-Mart Escapes Criminal Charges in Case

Terry Schiavo Feeding Tube Removed...For Now

War Criminal Leaves Iraq and Heads for Washington

You Must Be This Tall to Sleep in Michael’s Bed

Burning Ice: Vast Energy Source Remains Untapped

Mexican president tells U.S. to control extremists

BBC: Lab may have created a black hole

ABC: US military denies troops killed Iraqi general

ABC: Police- Iraqi General Shot Dead By US Troops

NS: 13 things that do not make sense

FBI & US Navy Outraged by Gitmo 'unlawful' Abuse

USAToday: Oil, Trade Gap at All Time Highs

CNN: Report- Obesity will reverse life expectancy gains

BBC: Secret US plans for Iraq's oil

Italy To PullTroops From Iraq

Number of trained Iraqis inflated by U.S., GAO says

Mental Illness Screening Plan A Boon For Drug Makers

UPI: Congress & President Bush think that children have "mental health" problems

ChristianScienceMonitor: Neocon quiz

BusinessWeek: Karen Hughes appointed to ambassador, 'to change Muslim minds about U.S. policies'

Haaretz: U.S. says Israel breaking its peace agreement promises on settlements, again

AP: Democrats Warn on GOP Rule Change 'unprecedented abuse of power'

AP: White House Defends Video News Releases, GAO says 'covert propaganda'

WP: Battle on Teaching Evolution Worsens

Gitmo prisoners win transfer reprieve

FPI: Photographer for White House child sex ring arrested

Reuters: U.S. 'Hallucinating' Over Nuclear Talks, Iran Says

AFP: Iraqi Civilian Deaths 'Seriously Underestimated'

NY Times: Bush White House News Forgeries 'Widespread'

Gitmo prisoners to be moved outside jurisdiction of American courts

AP: Orlando Mayor Surrenders in Ballot Probe

International law starts to bring Washington back into the fold

Newsmax: Greenspan - Budget Deficits Pose Big Threat

GOP head gets 7 month prison sentence

O'Reilly: "There isn't one conservative commentator on CNN"; Robert Novak disagrees

Senate passes brutal bankruptcy bill, 74-25

Republicans Plan Massive Cuts to Taxes & Social Spending for 2006

Reuters: US Infrastructure Deteriorating, Report Finds, gets a 'D'

NS: Laughing appears to be almost as beneficial as a workout

Pro-Syrian Lebanese PM set to return

NS: UN abandons legal ban on human cloning

AP: Did Sub Sonar Kill Dolphins?

NS: Charge a battery in just six minutes, lasts 10x longer

NS: Four million-year-old human ancestor unearthed

Arnold's aides admit to fake news stories

Reuters: Pilots Group Grades U.S. Aviation Security an 'F'

SpaceDaily: Japanese Hospitality Robots Debut at Expo

Reuters: Taxes May Only Cover Interest on National Debt

AP: China Authorizes Attack on Taiwan; Warns U.S.

Reuters: Italy Rejects U.S. Version of Iraq Shooting

Reuters: Syria Vows Swift Lebanon Pullout in 'Historic' Move

London's Mayor - It's About Israel Not Anti-Semitism

AFP: US under pressure to explain Italian convoy shooting in Iraq

AFP: Iran warns US, European pressure on nuclear could prompt oil crisis

Reuters: U.S. Forces Fire at Freed Reporter in Iraq

Reuters: Bush Warns on Social Security, Shifts Tactics

Fox - O'Reilly: ACLU a 'terrorist group'

Reuters: Republicans Want Decency Standards Extended to Cable TV

Nasdaq: Bush says gov't spending trust fund

OPEC: Oil prices may reach a barrel soon

Newsmax: Russia hid Iraq WMDs

BBC: Rays to nab nuclear smugglers

NewScientist: Radio signal from space puzzles astronomers

26 Dems sponsor Gannon inquiry bid

INN: 62% Israelis Know Sharon Corrupt











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